Man Who Punted Cat Like Football Found Murdered (Karma)

Towards the end of 2013, when Dejion Roberson brutally killed a cat by kicking it like a football into power lines he was arrested and charged with animal cruelty but he was not punished as he received only probation.

Now karma has been done. Roberson has been found dead in an isolated area in the middle of the road in Bridgeport, Alabama.

The police have decided that it is a homicide but at this stage they are still searching for answers. They don’t know the cause of death and they have no suspects. Roberson was found at 3 am. Police are not sure if he was killed in Tennessee and transported to Alabama or killed in Alabama.

As for the poor cat, so casually killed by this brute, he/she was sitting outside when Roberson grabbed him and kicked him like a football. The cat died in the arms of a neighbor. Roberson said the cat had scratched a child. There was no evidence of that.

I am disappointed but unsurprised he effectively got away with it.  We know this is not unusual. The Kristen Lindsey case supports that statement.

Karma refers to cause and effect. What we do now affects us in the future. Good deeds leads to good karma: future happiness, while bad behavior and intent leads to suffering in the future and in this case the ultimate version of that: death. This cat killer found bad karma.

Frankly, the world is better off without him. There should be more karma of this nature in the world.

10 thoughts on “Man Who Punted Cat Like Football Found Murdered (Karma)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I agree Rudolph. He lived a violent life and it ended violently. That’s karma. His cat kicking/killing was one aspect of his nasty violent life.

  3. This is not karma Woody. You know it and if you don’t you are ignorant. This is plain criminality. A robbery.

  4. Yes, it must be “karma” at work. Outdoor cat-hoarding can be a dangerous hobby too. Feed vermin cats at your own risk.

    “Cat lover shot to death” http : // abc11 . com / archive/8898176/

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