Man who shot cat in the face at his business not regarded as a danger to the community

It is all over the online news: Sean Stanford allegedly shooting a domestic cat in the face (twice as I recall) at his auto business, Solid Technology in Albuquerque. Remarkably the cat has survived. The cat liked to visit the auto shop as some of the employees liked the cat’s company but Stanford disliked what was happening and allegedly committed this extremely violent act against an animal.

Smirking Stanford. It looks like he was joking with the police officer or court official behind him before he entered court. A disdain for the proceedings and the rule of law.
Smirking Stanford. It looks like he was joking with the police officer or court official behind him before he entered court. A disdain for the proceedings and the rule of law. Photo: Screenshot from video.

He was arrested and locked up on remand by which I mean he was imprisoned pending trial. But he had a bail hearing at which the prosecutor requested that he remain in jail until trial. We don’t know the specific argument he/she employed but we can hear the judge’s reason for releasing him pending his trial.

Judge Alisa A Hart says that pre-trial detention has a specific purpose “the safety of the community”. From that we deduce that the judge decided that Sean Stanford is not a danger to the community. He has no previous conviction I believe.

The interesting aspect of this is that the reference to the safety of the community means the human community. That goes without saying in court but if you want to be a stickler for detail and fairness you could argue that it should also mean the safety of companion animals (indeed all animals) as well. If that had been the case Stanford would have been kept in detention. Just a thought.

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