Many animal rescues and rescuers are taking it upon themselves to help victims of Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence has proven once again that when disaster strikes, people will go out of their way to help others. This is especially true when animals are involved.

photo courtesy of Denise Lane Painter

Many animal rescues and rescuers are taking it upon themselves to raise funds and request donations for the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Florence in North Carolina. Denise Lane Painter of Dot’s Place Animal Haven has always been one to step up to the challenge.

Tomorrow, (Sunday) Denise will be at Tractor Supply in Easley, South Carolina collecting food and supplies for shelters in NC that are struggling to feed thousands of animals displaced by Hurricane Florence.

Here’s a list of what she hopes to collect:

Dry dog and cat food
Wet (canned) dog and cat food
Kitten and puppy food of all types
Puppy pads
Rabbit food
Calming products (feliway, rescue remedy, etc.)
Old towels, sheets, blankets, and pillows
Cages and crates
MONEY (for transportation, and to buy medicines and other needed supplies)

Denise will be there from 10:00 a.m. until closing or until she fills her SUV up with supplies. If she gets more than will fit into the SUV, she’ll borrow her friend’s pickup truck. If that fills up as well, Denise will find a way to rent a truck.

They were able to collect supplies to fill THREE 26′ trucks after Sandy. The need is just as great or greater today. If you can help, Denise is working with a shelter in DESPERATE need in the New Bern area that was expecting nine tons of food that didn’t come for some reason.

In addition to cat and dog food donated, Denise also has a source where she can buy food at a hugely discounted rate. So if you can help in any way, Dot’s Place can get this to them first part of the week.

You can also donate via PayPal by clicking here for Remember to put “Hurricane Florence” in the comments so Denise will know it’s going for supplies.

Denise is one of many who are reaching out for help for the shelter animals in need. If you would like some publicity on what your area is doing to help the hurricane victims, please post it in the comments. If you would like to have an article about what your rescue has done to help during Hurricane Florence, please email me at Be sure to include a photo.

On the flip side, click here for a rescue story that has the entire rescue community enraged.

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