Marbled Cat Range – countries occupied
- Bhutan
- Brunei Darussalam
- Cambodia
- China
- India
- Indonesia
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Thailand
- Viet Nam
- Bangladesh (unsure)
The appearance of this cat is sometimes misdescribed by photographers. The larger well-known picture is definitely a marbled cat as it has distinctive markings on the top of the head. The black spots are somewhat triangular shaped and form an almost symmetrical pattern either side of the middle of the head (a mirror image). The cat in the smaller picture does not have these markings. These special markings merge to form stripes on the neck of the marbled cat. The much earlier drawing below right shows the body markings well and are similar to those in the picture top right. Although the head pattern is not the same. This is probably because of simply inaccuracy although it could be due to naturally occurring variations.
The patterns of some wild cat species vary considerably over the range of the cat (the lynx comes to mind). If the markings on the body in the picture are the same across the marbled cat range then they are distinctive. Sometimes, one species can look very similar to another (the margay and ocelot being an example in terms of pattern).
In line with other small wild cats, the face has strong, high contrast, black markings against a brown background with plenty of white (for further contrast). The eye spots on the back of the ears are also very noticeable in this photograph. These are called ocelli. The background colour varies from grey-brown to red-brown. The forehead colour of the cat in the picture is red-brown. The underside of the cat, also rather typically, is lighter in colour and has a black spotted pattern.
Although we cannot see it in the picture, the marbled cat’s tail is an outstanding characteristic being very long (as long as or longer than the body). This is to aid balance when climbing. It is also bushy and reminds me of the tail of another tree dwelling cat, the clouded leopard (see also clouded leopard range). Although, the clouded leopard is much larger. And although at one stage it was thought that the marbled cat was a close relative of the clouded leopard, recent genetic analysis has disproved this. There are anatomical similarities beyond the tail. The feet are large (about twice the size of a similar sized small wild cat, the Asian Leopard cat). This I presume is to further aid this cat’s climbing ability. The pattern on the tail is marked with black spots (nearer the base of the tail) and rings (nearer the tip of the tail).
The marbled cat is similar in size to our well known domestic cat at 3 kilograms (6.6 lbs – see Largest Domestic Cat Breed for the range of cat breed weights and Wild Cat Species by Size for a chart of wild cat weights). The actual recorded weights are often lower at 2.4 kg (in Borneo from a small sample of cats) but in Thailand one or more were recorded at 5 kg. In fact there are a number of domestic cat breeds that are considerably heavier and bigger than the marbled cat.
Although little is known about this cat, while preparing the marbled cat range map above and working in “terrain mode” with Google maps, it quickly became apparent to me that this cat lives in forests or has at least a preference for forest cover. And marbled cats that have been “collected” (trapped?) have come from lowland forests which are usually about 300 metres above sea level. However, the marbled cat has been seen in forests at 1,200 metres above sea level (Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand – see marbled cat range map above – blue marker). As mentioned its anatomy strongly supports this. The marbled cat has been seen stalking birds in trees. (Wild cats of the world by Guggisberg 1975 reporting on Strebbing’s). It also hunts on the ground judging by its prey.
Being arboreal, birds it is believed are a major part of the diet of the marbled cat. Other prey include:
- squirrels
- frogs
- lizards

thanks for the information
Fantastic. Marbled cats are pretty secretive and I’d be wonderful if she could get a photo. I know that is almost impossible but it would be nice for the record. Thanks for sharing your experience on PoC.
My mother just been to her country home and sighted a Wild Cat, and the description, which she gave me over phone seems to be a Marbled Cat. Its lives on the coconut palm trees and only comes down for some time and again climbs up another coconut palm tree.