“Marguerite” – sand cat x domestic cat, wild cat hybrid

People interested in the wild cat hybrids ask: “Could a sand cat breed with a house cat?”. The answer is yes and it is called the “Marguerite”. In 2014 it was a new cat breed. It is a sand cat crossed with a domestic cat. The domestic cat, in this instance, is a female ticked tabby. The pictures immediately below show two young, first filial (F1) Marguerites. ‘First filial’ means first generation so their parents are a male sand cat and a female domestic cat. More on that below. And at the base of the page are pictures of what I believe are second generation Marguerites.

The sand cat is the only true desert living cat. The sand cat’s anatomy has evolved for desert living. The cat’s prey (mostly gerbils) provides all the water it needs. There is thick fur on the undersides of the paws. The ears are very large to pick up the sound of prey when hunting at night.

sand cat domestic cat hybrid
Sand cat x domestic cat, wild cat hybrid. These are young first filial (F1s)

This wild cat hybrid’s name comes from General Margueritte who lead an expedition. The cat was discovered by Capt. Victor Loche in 1856 in Eastern Algeria.

Sarah Hartwell of the messybeast.com website says about the Marguerite:

“Thought you might like a photo and info regarding the F1 Sand Cat domestic hybrids which are now registered under the breed’s name ‘Marguerite’.

F1 Sand Cat wild cat hybrid
F1 sand cat hybrid. Photo: Sarah Hartwell who states that the photos are for research purposes only.
Marguerite. This is an F1 - first generation - sand cat x domestic cat hybrid
F1 sand cat hybrid – Marguerite. Photo: Sarah Hartwell

The sire is a pet sand cat who was surplus to conservation breeding; his siblings are used in sand cat breeding programmes so his genetic input wasn’t needed, but it’s a good idea to keep him entire in case he is ever required on breeding loan to a zoo.

His breeding consort is a ticked tabby domestic female and he is also companionable with the pet cats in the household. Their offspring’s head and body shape resemble that of their sand cat sire, being sturdy with stocky legs and large feet; the black “armbands” are also a sand cat trait.

Their ears are relatively wide-set and large, and their muzzles fairly narrow. Sand Cats themselves are tameable (but not domesticated) and these F1 offspring are friendly, especially the males.

As well as being affectionate (including with visitors and the vet), they are very rowdy and rather destructive when playing. One oddity is that they prefer not to jump onto seats, laps, shoulders etc, but climb up instead. They bark like sand cats and also meow, though the mew is an ‘eeing’ sound.”

Here is are a couple of pictures of what I believe are a pair of second-generation Marguerites from the PUREBLISS CATTERY:

Second generation F2 Marguerites
Second generation F2 Marguerites. Photo: Purebliss Cattery.

The breeder of the kittens above says that they don’t like to be on their own and need to be adopted out in pairs. I am not sure of the logic behind that. They also say that they have sweet temperaments – ‘very soft natured’. I have to say the F2 cats are not that interesting in their appearance. I don’t think this wild cat hybrid has gained any traction as a successful pet to put it simply. And I think the reason is because their appearance compared to the well-known Bengal is muted and less outstanding. Appearance is all when it comes to the wild cat hybrids. These are exotic pets. They need to look exotic too.

Here is another picture from the same cattery:

F2 Marguerites
F2 Marguerites. I believe that these are second generation Marguerites. Correct me if I am wrong. Photo: Purebliss cattery.

The information above was ‘early release of information’ in 2014 from Sarah. She was very thankful be given the opportunity to write about this cat. It was hoped the cats would make a public debut over the next few months. Update 2021: I think this was a bit of a non-event. Perhaps the era of excitement about the wild cat hybrid is over. The mainstream wild cat hybrids: Bengal and Savannah are probably enough. There are many others – click here to see a list.

I have a page on living with wild cat hybrids. Please click here.

Sand cat

Note: this page was written in 2014. It has been upgraded and republished on Nov 30, 2021.

35 thoughts on ““Marguerite” – sand cat x domestic cat, wild cat hybrid”

  1. IMO, it’s a more viable proposition than the caracal x Abyssinian hybrids that were produced a few years ago. Of course, we have to wait to find out if the F1 females breed. It’s been a very carefully considered project and monitored by a vet throughout. Had the F1s been unhealthy or poor temperament the breeder would have halted the programme as being genetically unsound.

  2. They are beautiful and the sand cat is the cutest of all wild cats. It’s wild cat species that could have been domesticated but is not as suited to that as the African wildcat. But….for me (and this is personal) I don’t believe the world needs another cat breed. I also have doubts about “exotic cat breeds“. They tend to attract the wrong kind of owner – high spending consumers.

  3. They are beautiful aren’t they – but I am a little weary as you Dorothy – it’s a hard call, not forgetting all our cats came from things like this once upon a time.

  4. That is cool! Sandcats are extremely family orientated. I think they would make an excellent domesticated cat. I hope to see more about the breed. Thanks Michael and Sarah! So nice to have something fun to read and beautiful cat to look at on my hours off school, etc.! I’d love to meet these cats.

  5. Oh dear. I’m not sure I approve. I love the sand cat. There is something about them that is special. I love their desert life. Do we really want to be mixing it up like this? I guess it is the way of things to come. I can only hope responsible people are involved. The friendly males make sense having bred with a ticked tabby. I love those beautiful bat-ears.

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