by Jenny
Marley on left
Marley has always been a funny cat. He tells you exactly when he wants something. He climbs on top of everything including wardrobes and loves to be really high up.
He opens the cupboard to let you know when he wants feeding, peeks over the bath when you're in it and he's so loving. In fact, he will dive into bed with you and bury himself right under the duvet.
It was only when a workman came to my house and pointed out that he looked just like a Norwegian forest cat that I had to look for myself. Some of these pics on this page of your site are his double.
Hi Jenny.. thanks for popping by. I think Marley is part Norwegian Forest Cat. I had a cat like that and she behaved in a similar way, particularly liking to be high up and being a great climber (NFCs are great climbers in general).
If you have some more photos please email me:
suubstituting at for @