There are some really nice photos of Marlon Brando and a white cat. In one picture there is a dark coloured cat. It looks like he was the cat’s guardian although it would seem unlikely that his lifestyle was suited to cat ownership. The photos were taken at his home in the 1950s I believe.

Many film actors admired Brando’s film acting. He was revered by many. Even well-known film stars became nervous when asked to act with Brando such was his reputation. Some consider him the greatest film actor. Clearly he liked cats. He liked animals in fact.
Other actors described him as intelligent, sensitive and knowledgeable. The opposite to his screen persona in some of his best film roles. He was awesome in On the Waterfront; a superb and iconic film.
It is said his love of animals stems from being starved of affection when a boy. He said:
‘My mother chose a bottle over caring for me.’
Both his parents were alcoholics.
Yes, you are not alone in that thought. Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
Hot men with cats ♡♡♡♡ uhn!!!
I think it’s notable that especially at that time, not only did he like cats, but that he was secure enough in his masculinity and image to have these photos taken. It’s only now that cats are being thought of as generally acceptable for men to like openly.