Me and my Shadow
by Evelyn G
(Wagga Wagga, Australia)
Shadow - Aged around 9 weeks
I adopted Shadow when she was about 3 weeks old. I say "about" because she was found abandoned up a tree near the local primary school, therefore any guess of her age is just that. She had to be hand fed for the first week or so, then gradually weaned.
I'd come into the staffroom after every lesson and check on her until she was old enough to stay home alone.
I hadn't planned on getting a kitten at the time. I'd only just considered the idea of a pet. I thought I'd wait until after New Year and then go to the pound and rescue one. Well, life doesn't always run to plan and I'm glad it doesn't.
Shadow is lively, energetic, climbs on everything and can play with a piece of curling ribbon for hours. She'll be waiting at the door for me when I get home and enjoys rough-housing with me. She's not big on cuddles, but will give me kisses on occasion.
She's a grey/white tabby, with 2 greys, and her coat has two layers. Her eyes have just changed colour to a greeny-gold. Her coat and the tufts on her ears make me think she's probably not a DSH, but to be honest her breed is not important - we chose each other, and that's what matters.
Now, if she'd only stop jumping on my head at 2am.......