Me and my Shadow

Me and my Shadow

by Evelyn G
(Wagga Wagga, Australia)

Shadow - Aged around 9 weeks

Shadow - Aged around 9 weeks

I adopted Shadow when she was about 3 weeks old. I say "about" because she was found abandoned up a tree near the local primary school, therefore any guess of her age is just that. She had to be hand fed for the first week or so, then gradually weaned.

I'd come into the staffroom after every lesson and check on her until she was old enough to stay home alone.

I hadn't planned on getting a kitten at the time. I'd only just considered the idea of a pet. I thought I'd wait until after New Year and then go to the pound and rescue one. Well, life doesn't always run to plan and I'm glad it doesn't.

Shadow is lively, energetic, climbs on everything and can play with a piece of curling ribbon for hours. She'll be waiting at the door for me when I get home and enjoys rough-housing with me. She's not big on cuddles, but will give me kisses on occasion.

She's a grey/white tabby, with 2 greys, and her coat has two layers. Her eyes have just changed colour to a greeny-gold. Her coat and the tufts on her ears make me think she's probably not a DSH, but to be honest her breed is not important - we chose each other, and that's what matters.

Now, if she'd only stop jumping on my head at 2am.......


Me and my Shadow to Moggie cats

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Me and my Shadow

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Jan 06, 2010
The Geezer!
by: Rhiannon (Portsmouth)

a moggie cat called the Geezer
The Geezer

I really dont know what to say apart from i think my Geezer is one of the most stunning male moggies i have seen in a long time. All cats are lovely but you cant beat a moggy! Especially not my moggy(or one of).

Jan 03, 2010
She's beautiful
by: Joyce Sammons

Keep making her picture. i rescued by kitty Furby and its fun to watch the changes. I think kittens know when we rescue them

Dec 31, 2009
by: Mary H

Evelyn, She is absolutely adorable!! I agree, her tufted ears are very special & those eyes are so expressive!!
Congratulations on a beautiful new member of your family 🙂 We have a silver marble kitten and I just love this coloring.

Dec 31, 2009
Adorable tabby
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Evelyn. What an adorable tabby! It's quite a task taking care of a three week old kitten, but all your efforts seem to have been succesful. There are so many things that a kitten has to learn from it's mother during the first 3 months, but you can probably read up on that.
Good luck with your Shadow - may she grow up to be as good as she looks. 🙂

Dec 31, 2009
To Evelyn
by: Ruth

What a lovely photo ! Shadow is really beautiful.
Yes that's a first for me too, finding a cat abandoned up a tree !
Kittens jumping on your head at 2am is all part of the fun lol
Our boyz are grown up now but Jozef who sleeps on my bed has a whole repetoire to get me up, it usually begins around 5am.Have you ever watched Simon's cat videos ? I daren't let Jozef watch the one where the cat is trying to get him up or he might add a cosh to his props next lol
Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Dec 31, 2009
Adopt a feral cat day
by: Jan Plant

What a sweet story.And cute kitten.Alas,yes,they seem to have a different time frame for play then we do!LOL!
Oh,Michael! Such a wonderful idea.I just think my John would frown at me going and looking for more!LOL!But it is a great idea!

Dec 31, 2009
by: Michael

Well, this is a first for this site. To rescue a cat from a tree and adopt the cat is a very nice story and Shadow is a very cute looking cat.

I have never had to go to a shelter for a cat companion. They seem to be all over the place waiting to be found, adopted and loved. They come to us.

I wonder if we should have a "National Go Find a Cat Day". Anyone, anywhere, goes out and looks for a feral cat and adopts it. They are often not far away. The government could sponsor it and pay for the shots!

Thanks for visiting and sharing - love the story.

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