Me, Dreamheart, Ebonyclaw and Silverfur. Us the Warriors

Me, Dreamheart, Ebonyclaw and Silverfur. Us the Warriors

by Kylie
(Brigham City, Utah)

I am Dreamheart, My story is one story you will never forget reading...It will tear you apart, piece by piece...

Okay, First of all, I am so called Dreamheart, I am mother to a few kits and they are very well behaved. Before then, I was a young warrior, a warrior with great strength...but this rogue was much stronger then me. I was hunting...oh I will never forget this moment...I was stalking a mouse, and this loner cat came out of no were and threw me against a tree.

Pain seared threw me and I blacked out. The only thing I remember is that I woke up in the Thunderclan medicine cats den. A scar proves that I am not lying about this.

Every time I think of this moment, I feel like I am back in those days when the wound is still healing. I am ignored most of the time and I don't really care, I don't have a lot of cats who like me, I don't care about that either.

You can get to know me better somewhere else, but you have to find it. I will leave you trailing behind my paw-prints, looking... looking... looking.

Remember me, my good name is Dreamheart, just remember that name, I'll be watching you....


{Note to people unfamiliar with Warrior Cats RPG (Role Play Games): There is a large online following of these games based on the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter. This person is role playing.}

Me, Dreamheart, Ebonyclaw and Silverfur. Us the warriors to Warrior Cats

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Me, Dreamheart, Ebonyclaw and Silverfur. Us the Warriors

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May 01, 2011
Who was it?
by: Audrey Smith

I found your part Two! Hah hah. In your next one, you should have Dreamheart meet the rogue and get her revenge!

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