Meet the man who stole donation boxes at cat café. Please share.


Please share the photo if you are in the UK. It would be really nice if this man was caught and successfully prosecuted. Please call the West Yorkshire Police or the cafe if you can help [cafe contact details]. I become angry when I see this sort of criminal behavior. I am sure many others feel the same way.

“Meet the person who thinks it is okay to steal our donation boxes in Leeds and leave tens of thousands of pounds of damage in the process! Let’s get this SHARED and him found before he causes anymore misery. If you know anything please let Leeds police know ASAP or you can let us know and we will pass it on!” – Kitty Café

Man who stole donation boxes at cat cafe and who caused a lot of damage in the process.
Man who stole donation boxes at cat cafe and who caused a lot of damage in the process.
In the process of thieving and damaging
In the process of thieving and damaging

This is the team at the Leeds Kitty Cafe:

Leeds Kitty Cafe team
Leeds Kitty Cafe team. Photo: FB.

Holly Cousins, Duty Manager of the Kitty Cafe, said earlier today:

“We’re deeply upset but the cats are all fine, that’s the main thing.”


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2 thoughts on “Meet the man who stole donation boxes at cat café. Please share.”

  1. Lowlife subhuman. In my opinion stealing donation boxes from animal shelters is the lowest of the low. I hope someone recognizes him and turns him in to the police so he can reap what he sows. Thankful that none of the animals were harmed. 😱😠😠😠

  2. Fucking asshole!! If I had my way I would just him him the head. One less asshole in the world to worry about. I have shared.

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