Melanie Griffith shared Mother’s Day photo with mum Tippi Hedren at her big cat sanctuary

This gives me an opportunity to discuss some topics that interest me. Daughter shared mother’s day (10th of May) with mom at her mom’s big cat sanctuary. The photo was posted on Instagram.

Tippi Hedren is left-handed. She has left-handed looks. There is a certain appearance about left-handed people and it often comes through as attractiveness and symmetrical facial anatomy. Tippi was and still is very attractive. Hitchock was obsessed with her. A film is being made about their relationship. She was the star of two Hitchcock films, The Birds and Marnie. She may have starred in more but I forget them.

Talking about looks, Melanie Griffith has messed up her cute attractiveness with plastic surgery. She has probably had some reconstructive surgery subsequently to correct the mess of the original but it shows. What a shame.

Her mother Tippi Hedren looks better for either not having plastic surgery or having less of it.


God, I wish women would learn to accept their appearance and recognise the obvious truth that a beautiful face that has aged is even more beautiful as character patinates it. It is physical beauty enhanced by life experience. We should accept ourselves at all stages of life and women should resist the temptation and social pressure to alter their appearance with the knife.

Is there is a connection between altering appearance through plastic surgery and altering the anatomy of a cat through declawing? There may be a similar driving force or an easy acceptance of altering what nature gave us. We should accept and respect what nature gave us unless nature messed up.

The irony is that plastic surgery hardly ever works because it is nearly always overdone. The person looks unnatural and anyone can spot that in an instant.

Tippi Hedren has had what seems to be a lifelong interest in big cats. At one stage she had a lion in the house and her daughter in bed with the lion! Tippi looks back at that with horror. She admits it was a mistake.

‘We were stupid beyond belief to have that lion in our house’

Tippi advocates against keeping big cats as pets and the trade between US states of big cats. She was instrumental in the enactment of a 2003 law ending this traffic.


You probably know that Tippi Hedren has a big cat sanctuary at “Shambala” in California, north of Los Angeles. She lives there. She rescues abused big cats and receives death threats and criticism from the exotic big cat breeders and abusers. These threats prompted her daughter to ask her mom to move away from Los Angeles but she gamely stayed put.

Source: Melanie Griffith shares Mother’s Day photo with mum Tippi Hedren | Daily Mail Online

6 thoughts on “Melanie Griffith shared Mother’s Day photo with mum Tippi Hedren at her big cat sanctuary”

  1. She has beautiful eyes and her smile looks very warm.

    Yes, she does have that ‘look’ which is attractive and not damaged by plastic surgery and which shines through despite wrinkles and old skin. I think plastic surgery undermines a person’s appearance. The unnaturalness it creates undermines the natural attractiveness of the human face.

    I am sure a big part of her attractiveness comes from her character and her work in protecting big cats.

  2. Tippi Hedren is still a stunning looking lady. She has beautiful eyes and her smile looks very warm.

    She was kind enough to reply to me in person when I contacted her regarding declawing. She was active in the campaign to have declawing banned in California and has co-authored a number of Federal bills regarding the welfare of exotic animals and wildlife.

    Tippi Hedren is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

  3. I am 67 and I must admit, initially I hated growing old and most especially in my looks. I hated that I had sags and wrinkles and what beauty I once had was fading. However, I am thankfully over that mind set and have just decided that beauty really is only skin deep. I’ve met many senior ladies that have aged so gracefully in the way they carry themselves, their kindness and serenity, and just knowing they enjoy what they’ve become. I am now at peace with my face and my body and work at being the kind of person people remember for extending a helping hand rather than trying to hold on to my youth.

  4. I agree with what you say. I think against the grain. I am looking for a total shift in human thought. I think people should behave differently in many ways including accepting our appearance. The lack of acceptance of our ageing appearance is mainly a Western idea it seems. I like young women but I also like older women whose persona is based upon their character rather than physical appearance. I tend not to see appearance after a short while but see the person instead. Appearance is shallow I believe.

    Brigit Bardot has “aged terribly” according to the media. She has had no plastic surgery. I love that. She has aged wonderfully for me. She loves animals.

  5. Michael,

    I find your comments about women resorting to plastic surgery to look younger, interesting. The desire from aging women to look younger is driven by a couple of things. One, our culture and probably others, worship youth and a certain definition of physical beauty. As most older women can resonate with, there is a sense of being invisible to men.

    So, the second reason has to do with wanting to still be attractive to men. Although there are some men, like yourself, that may prefer an older woman, with her naturally occurring sagging and wrinkles, most do not.
    Women have been “re-making” themselves in one way or another for centuries.

    The reality is that what we do to enhance our looks is always done for others, since we don’t see ourselves, except when we look in a mirror or another refection of some kind. Although I have to admit that I don’t even wear clothes with stains or holes in them at home, because I don’t like looking at them, so they get discarded or turned into rags. I find that other people don’t mind wearing rags around the house.

    I never wore make-up until I turned 60! I had a friend who would never leave the house without it, and was embarrassed when I saw her face “naked”. The reason I started wearing make-up at 60, was that I met a man who was attracted to that. I actually took a “make-up class” to learn how! It became a playful game, rather than something to be scorned as I’d done in the past.

    For a woman who still feels sexually vibrant, her aging body betrays her. Also, for women who want to continue to be effective in the work world, they find that it’s the more youthful appearance that can prevent them from being discarded.

    The fact that plastic surgery is detectable in many cases, doesn’t prevent men (or women) from being attracted to that beauty, whether in the face or the breasts. Our eyes are the radar for our feelings. Most people would rather look at a fresh flower than a dying one.

    I recently saw a very revealing video called “Are All Men Pedophiles?” It’s available online. It’s based on research and studies of many cultures, and what’s considered pedophilia varies.

    It’s very believable that men are hard wired to seek young women, besides the fact that our culture promotes it.

    I know this isn’t the place to have this discussion, but since you brought it up, I couldn’t help respond.

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