Metal Cat Sculpture

Metal cat sculpture by Nano Lopez

I really like the above metal cat sculpture. It has a certain je ne sais quoi. It is in bronze and it can be seen in California, USA.

Cat sculptures made from various types of metal are pretty popular, which is not surprising since the domestic cat is the most popular companion animal in the world – probably.

For that reason I would like to bring to visitors a selection of metal cat sculptures from Amazon. Below the carousel I briefly describe a few of them.

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The “Feng Shui Bell Lucky Cat Metal Art”, that is for sale on Amazon and featured in the slide show above, is similar to the Japanese
Maneki Neko beckoning cats that are placed in the doorway of shops etc. It is meant to bring good luck. It is placed in the same way as the Maneki Neko cat.

The little “Metal Cat Trinket Jeweled Jewelry Box” is both decorative and functional.

A number of the these cat sculptures are made from recycled metal parts and scrap. One of these pieces is the “Recycled Metal Chubby Nuts Cat”.

My favorite is probably the most expensive (typical me) at $170. It is made of aluminium with a bronze finish. It is listed as: “New Watchful Cat Aluminum w/ Bronze Finish 4 ea High Quality Modern Design Beautiful Popular..” on Amazon. Here is a photo:

metal cat sculpture

The bronze cat sculpture below is owned be me. It used to be my mothers until she died. It is made in Japan but I don’t know any more about it.

metal cat sculpture owned by me

Note: I had a little doubt whether soldering and bolting things together can be called “sculpture” but it can. Sculpture includes the combining of materials including metals.

Update: I found this on Amazon. It has a lifetime warranty and is made of copper bronze. Dimensions/weight: 12 x 14 x 19 inches; 8 pounds.

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