by Paul Farris
(Ramona, Ca. 92065)
Black Jaguar in Xcaret, Mexico - photo added by Michael (Admin) to illustrate page - photo by sunface13
July 1985: I was checking riding trails on the ranch I lived on, Poway stables, Poway Ca. We rent horses for trail riding. One of our guides a 15 yr old girl thought she had seen something near the small pond. At that time of year the pond was all but dried up. I had driven out in my pick-up and got out and walked down the creek bed which had tall thick rushes on one side.
As I turned a sharp bend in the trail I froze, 20ft. in front of me stood frozen a black cat. This cat turned and ran down the trail about 60ft. and went up a hill into a thick stand of trees.
This cat stood about 2ft. tall and was about 6 to 8ft. long. I wasn't sure what I had seen and questioned our local game warden. He had no answers. I found my answer in a book of North American game animals.
What I had seen was a Mexican jaguar. I later got the game warden to admit that they had several sightings in the last month.
Paul Farris
Photo: Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic Creative Commons license.