Mighty Isis
by Suzanne Hale
(Joelton, TN)
My husband and I were out running along a busy 2 lane highway one day last June and I heard the most pitiful little cry coming from the ditch. As I got closer to the sound, the most beautiful little kitten came out and mewed.
I was shocked at it's appearance--I thought it was a baby bobcat! This little creature had either been dumped by a thoughtless human or had gotten lost from its home.
Isis (left) - photo by Suzanne Hale
We took her home (of course) not knowing what treasure we had been given. When I held her, I knew I had never before felt a kitten with such a muscular and sturdy body! She weighed 3 pounds, had tufted ears and huge feet, and was a gorgeous black and grey striped with a HUGE bushy tail.
We took her to the vet and he absolutely had a fit when he saw her. He told us we could not have found a finer cat and said she was a pure Maine Coon by her appearance.
Isis - photo by Suzanne Hale
We were not familiar with the breed so we did a lot of research. She fits the descriptions perfectly. She is now 6 1/2 months old and weighs almost 7 pounds. She is the linebacker of our cat family.
We have two other rescue cats from a shelter plus another kitten we had found a month before. We named her Mighty Isis. She is as large as our oldest female cat now and gets along splendidly with her brothers and sisters. What a blessing we have been given.
She says "mew mew" in the softest little voice. I always laugh because I am still waiting for a loud meow to come out. She is not very verbal unless she is hungry and it is feeding time. I have taught her to jump up into my arms. I just love her to pieces.
My daughter carries her around in her arms like a baby and she catches mice like nobody's business.
Hi Suzanne... Great story. I am very keen to see a photo :). If you have a photo please email me:
substituting at for @
Update: 16-1-10: Suzanne kindly sent some photos of Mighty Isis, which are now on the page.