Miiko — A Sunset Park Kitten

Miiko — A Sunset Park Kitten

by Kaisha Henner
(Sunset Park, Brooklyn)

On August 17, 2011 at around 8pm my husband, Lorin, went for a walk to get take-out. As he walked down our street he noticed two little boys pointing at a tiny little kitten underneath a car. When he stopped to ask what the boys were doing they said they were afraid that the kitten was going to bite them.

Lorin began to walk away, thinking that the boys owned the kitten but quickly realized that the kitten had looked dirty and frightened. He walked back and asked if the kitten was their’s. It was not. Five minutes after he left our apartment he came back with this tiny, wet and dirty female kitten.

We cleaned her and immediately fell in love! She quickly warmed up to us and after her bath was rolling around playing with our fingers and the towel. We thought when she got older she would be a great companion to our five month old kitten, Walter, and decided to keep her.

The next day we took her to the vet and from all appearances she was a healthy kitten. The vet estimated her to be a “petite” 5-6 week old kitten at 1.2 pounds. We started her 3 in 1 vaccine, de-flea’d her, and began her de-worming. We also decided to have her tested for FeLV/FIV.

The next day…today actually…we got the sad news that she was positive for FeLV (Negative FIV).

I cried — Walter (our kitten) had tested negative for FeLV/FIV and has been given the vaccine but we are afraid to put the two together. Fear that Walter, who we have raised since he was 5 days old, could contract FeLV. We named the little girl, Miiko (after Miiko Taka from ‘Sayonara’).

Miiko is sweet, playful, healthy other than being FeLV +, and simply adorable. We want her to have a happy life and if we knew 100% that Walter couldn’t contract FeLV we wouldn’t even consider giving her away.

If anyone can help me find a home for Miiko please contact me at kaishatrzaska@gmail.com.

If you’d like more pictures I can send more!

Name: Miiko
Age: 5-6 Weeks (Petite)
Type: Domestic Short Hair (Tabby)
Health: FeLV +. FIV (NEG) Not showing Symptoms


Hi Kaisha… nice article. Sad though. I wish you and Miiko the best of luck.

The pictures did not upload. If you email me the pics I will upload them to this page. My email address is here.

Thanks for sharing your story.

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