Mini-catio is better than no catio

Here is a mini-catio and I like it. It is a compromise. It is not great as structures go but it will be effective in giving full-time indoor cats some outdoor time to smell the air and be involved with nature. It will do the cats some emotional good. And it is easy to set up. I’d say that it would take a measly couple of hours max. The tricky bit is blocking off the window. You’ll have to get some plywood or something and cut out a hole of the required dimensions. I believe that catios will become steadily more popular as we proceed through the 21st century. They are a nice compromise between safety and some outdoor environment. To those who are unsure what they are, they are a custom designed cat enclosure attached to the house. A bit like a conservatory for humans only for cats with netting on one side so that it is open to the elements. It is important that cats get some fresh air.



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