Miss Lucy Queen of the Castle

Miss Lucy Queen of the Castle

by Diana

Miss Lucy

Miss Lucy

I adopted Lucy 8 years ago from our local Humane Society when she was about 2 y.o. She had been rescued from a snare trap. When I got her she was very shy and undernourished. In time she came out of her shell. She is now the queen of the castle. She seems to think that if she can lay on it, it must be hers! She is very sweet tempered, just not very social with others and no way is another animal welcome in her home. She loves to sit close to me, just not in my lap. I feel so blessed that she came into my life. She has a very strong '6th sense' and always knows when I'm not feeling well and won't leave my side.

She had obviously been an outdoor cat when we got her, but has been an indoor kittie ever since. Her idea of going outside now is getting to wander around the garage (of course the door is closed). I've just never been sure what breed(s) she is. The vet thinks that she might be Amer. SH and Persian. I would love it if someone could give me a better idea. She has a mixed thick coat of long/short hair and very short legs. She weighs 22 lbs., but only eats 2/3 c. of food each day.

Everyone makes fun of her weight, but she's actually very agile and can easily jump 3 feet high (she grabs every bug that flies by). She isn't real active and isn't a playful girl unless she wants to be. Because she's so chubby she has problems grooming her back so I have to keep her well combed or she mats up. After 8 yrs. I can't imagine my life without her!


From Miss Lucy Queen of the Castle to Domestic Cat

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Miss Lucy Queen of the Castle

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Aug 07, 2009
No wonder she's Queen of the Castle
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

I only know American Shorthair from pictures here on the site, but your Lucy seems to have the same expression as "Gazer" and "Browny Bear Paws" so no doubt there's a lot of Am.SH involved. As to her long/short coat, I think a touch of Maine Coon is more likely than the Persian connection. You seem to have a fine all American domestic cat - and a very sweet one too.
It's always nice to read about adoptions of adult cats. Whatever traumatic experiences may have formed them, once they bond with you, you have a loving and grateful companion for life.
I have a chubby moggie too, so I'm not surprised to hear that Lucy can jump 3 feet high. Cats can do amazing things when they really want to, and catching bugs is probably a lot more interesting than grooming her back... 🙂

Aug 05, 2009
lovely lucy
by: kathy

my cat too has like a sixth sense when it comes to my feelings. Yesterday i had a tooth pulled out and didnt feel well, when i got home my bengal mix cat Laia would not leave my side. He laid right by me the whole time. If you read the book Dewey, he too had like a sixth sense when it came to peoples feelings.

Aug 05, 2009
Fine picture, nice story
by: Michael

Love the picture of Lucy and her character reminds me of my girl cat. This probably comes from her early years. Mine won't go on my lap for example but is just as loving and close to me. Thanks for sharing.

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