Missing Airline Cat Found Alive

Missing Airline Cat Found Alive

by Elisa



George the missing airline cat has been found alive almost three months to the day after his disappearance on September 23. He's in good condition considering the circumstances.

For those of you not familiar with the story, George escaped his carrier at Edmonton International Airport where he was being flown cargo by Air Canada. He was caught, escaped a second time, and has been missing ever since.

George turned up in the nearby town of Leduc at the residence of the Wilde family. Leduc is approximately five miles from the Edmonton International Airport. He was very hungry, but otherwise appears to have come through the ordeal without any major problems.

The Wilde family got in touch with an Edmonton volunteer after seeing information online at Kijiji about the missing cat. Vanessa Summerfield was then contacted in Fort McMurray by the Edmonton volunteer.

When the Wilde family first learned of George's story they were shocked. They weren't aware of a reward being offered and only wanted to reunite George with his family. The Wilde family has three other cats and he'll be staying with their family until arrangements can be made to return him to Vanessa.

Vanessa made the following statement on her Facebook page. "Life is good! My lil booger is safe after three long months. Couldn't thank the group of women who volunteered their time to help George come home! I will be forever thankful! Christmas definitely came early for me!"

Vanessa, you got your Christmas wish. You'll have your baby boy home for Christmas.

I sincerely hope the airline industry will change the treatment standards of pets being flown in cargo. This has been a very emotional year for cats who fly. No one should ever have to worry about the care given by an airline of a beloved pet. Airlines need to understand we cat ladies will pitch the biggest fit imaginable until rules are put into place to treat our cats like family instead of possessions.

Merry Christmas Vanessa. Your perfect ending came just in time.


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Missing Airline Cat Found Alive

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Dec 22, 2011
Missing cat found alive NEW
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Its a miracle that cat George, an ordinary looking cat was found alive after 3 months.What if he was mistaken for a "STRAY CAT" and euthanized after the normal procedure prevalent?Seems he was "MICRO-CHIPPED" and hence escaped a gruesome death, or worse , an abandoned stray cats life. George the cat is an outstanding model for the mandatory need to always "MICRO-CHIP" your pets.
Well done George, you have authentically proved the fact and not myth, "A CAT HAS 9 LIVES". How manny lives have you utilized "Cat George"?

Dec 21, 2011
Angel guided me... NEW
by: Elizabeth BlackwellAnonymous

Love the story !!! That cat had an angel guiding him. So glad he made it home...

Dec 21, 2011
Family who found George NEW
by: Elisa

One report named the family who took George in as the Gulseth family of Leduc. I'm not sure which is correct and wanted to mention their family just in case I got the name wrong. For the CBC story please see here. http://www.cbc.ca/news/offbeat/story/2011/12/20/edmonton-george-airport-missing-found-alive.html

I'm only glad George is found and he's in a safe place

Dec 21, 2011
Family who found George NEW
by: Elisa

One report named the family who took George in as the Gulseth family of Leduc. I'm not sure which is correct and wanted to mention their family just in case I got the name wrong. For the CBC story please see here. http://www.cbc.ca/news/offbeat/story/2011/12/20/edmonton-george-airport-missing-found-alive.html

I'm only glad George is found and he's in a safe place

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