Misty Was Declawed Then Thrown Away

Misty Was Declawed Then Thrown Away

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Misty in her new box

Misty in her new box

Misty in her new box Misty's shelter photo Misty in her box Misty asleep in her box

On Tuesday (22nd Feb 2011) I rescued a very special cat named Misty. I hadn't planned on another rescue so soon after Lily, but Misty's information made me act quickly on her behalf. You see, Misty, a nine year old Maine Coon mix, has been at the Greenville Animal Care shelter twice now.

At some point in her life Misty was declawed by her owner then thrown away. That's the simple honest truth of the matter. She was turned into the shelter due to behavior problems. It was from here she was adopted out again. And returned again due to behavioral problems concerning the litter box.

Her information sheet from the shelter said she would not be selected to go back up for adoption again. In other words, a rescue was her only hope. Click on the link to see the actual page where I learned about her.

So I guess I'm the third person she has come to live with. She's in her furever home with me.

As soon as my daughter and I saw her in person we really fell in love with her. The picture of her on the euthanasia list site doesn't do her justice. The first sight of her at the shelter almost took our breath away. Long gray hair, beautiful green eyes. Did I mention she's a HUGE cat. At least 15 pounds.

Misty didn't meow much on the hour and a half ride home. Once we got her inside, she lay in my lap for about half an hour before we put her in a padded box. We had to make up one special just for her because it was confusing Casper, who has been a box kitten for a month now. Casper didn't want her in HIS box. So now Misty has her own box right beside Casper's.

Misty settled into her box and took a long nap. None of the other cats growled or hissed at her. I think they know she's had a hard life. There also seems to be a respect that comes with age. I believe my cats know she's a senior cat. Even Gizzy just sniffed at her and didn't give the famous hiss and slap welcome she's famous for.

I went to bed around 2p.m. on Wednesday, as I work the night shift. I took Misty with me and laid her on the pillow right beside me. I remember opening my eyes at some point before dark and she was looking right at me. She was still by my side when I got up at 8p.m. I don't know if she took a nap or stayed awake while I slept.

My two dogs also slept with us on the bed and Misty didn't seem concerned about this. I don't know if her history includes being around dogs or if she's just too tired to care. At any rate, everyone is getting along just fine.

Laura fed her a can of food and gave her some water. Misty may or may not have eaten during the night. The food and water bowls were only a few steps from her box. She ate the canned food Wednesday night. Then she crawled up on Laura's bed and made herself comfortable. So I guess Laura will have a new bed buddy tonight.

I don't see how anyone could throw away such a beautiful cat. Misty loves being held and she loves being petted. She doesn't try to get down as if she had some place better to be. She's very loving as she kneads her clawless paws against my neck and chest. It's so wrong that someone did this to her.

At nine years old she has found her furever home with me.

If Misty has litter box issues we'll deal with them. That's no reason to desert such a loyal and loving cat. She's been thrown away for the last time. I wonder how much research the family who had her declawed did on the subject. Did they know declawing would lead to behavioral problems? Or were they only worried about their precious furniture?

Did Misty's second owner scream at her when she refused to use the litter box? Did they physically abuse her? I also wonder just how much mental abuse my new love has gone through in her nine years.

I haven't seen her use the litter box yet. We have three litter boxes and she may have gone during the night when we were asleep.

All I know is I'm now the proud human to one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen. Misty, from this day forward you will be loved and treated like the precious soul you are.


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Misty Was Declawed Then Thrown Away

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Feb 24, 2011
Just like Ozzie!
by: Leah (England)

She's beautiful! She's Just like my Maine Coon Ozzie! As I was reading this he was sat at the side of my laptop looking at me and he's so like her even though he's Black.

She looks so very gentle I'm sure Furby will love her, she's so lucky that you found her in time.

I hate that so many shelters in America kill cats. How can they call themselves shelters? Isn't a shelter supposed to be a place of safety? Its just awful.

Good on you for saving her Elisa.

Hope Furby is also doing well.

Feb 24, 2011
Thank you
by: Chris

I'm sure Misty would say thank you if she could speak. For her to play I believe that means she feels secure enough in her new surroundings.

I've seen a declawed cat go from litter box avoidance & inappropriate urination to perfect behaviour when he landed in the right home (in his case, he had to be the only cat).

I hope this is the year we can finally get the word out that declawing often causes more problems than it's supposed to solve, that it's cruel & a huge betrayal of trust. More people need to speak out that declawing is unethical & unnecessary.

Feb 24, 2011
Glad Misty is safe at last
by: Barbara

Well dome on saving her life Elisa, she sounds beautiful.

Feb 24, 2011
by: Ruth

Misty is beautiful Elisa and I'm so glad you saved her life.
I don't know how declawing vets and pro declaw people can go on saying it keeps cats in their homes and denying it causes problems.
They are so wrong !
Michael I wouldn't be too worried about moving,
we moved here with the 2 x 9 year old cats we had at the time and they settled in with no trouble.
As Elisa says, stay calm and let them explore the whole house as that way they leave their scent around and the house is soon familiar to them.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 24, 2011
Thats easy
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

When you get to your new home put down food, water and any toys they may have. Do NOT act stressed in any way and give the cats a few days to wander on their own. Don't make any area off limits to them.

I think the secret to my cat success is not being too clingy at first. I held Misty because I thought she wanted to be held. She loves being petted very softly. The last thing a cat needs when moved to a new location is someone standing over and watching their every move. I'm surprised Misty stayed in the bed with me.

I also think a new cat seeing the other cats being cats helps. Mia just started playing with the turbo scratcher yesterday. She played by herself. She only moved into the living room a few weeks ago. We let the cats hide where they want and get adjusted on their own schedule.

I was just looking at the rainbow bridge album on GCAC and there were a few cats there I personally met when I rescued Lily. I wish I had the money to afford them all. We actually go through more litter than cat food. Its hard to accept I can't save them all. There are many dogs to be killed later today and I can't rescue dogs because the barking would keep me up since I work nights and sleeps days.

Its all so sad that people adopt and then forget about the pet soon after. Or mutilate it and then blame the cat. Misty is a wonderful cat and I think she would have been put down fairly quickly.

Feb 24, 2011
by: Michael

She's a Furbette. A glamorous female cat. She seems nicely settled. You have saved another cat. In this case you were her last chance.

I need your advise, Elisa. I am moving to a new home soon.

What do you suggest I do to make the experience as easy as possible on my two cats?

I ask as you do a great job in getting yours settled in quickly.

Michael Avatar

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