Months ago someone duct tapped dead woman in her bedroom and left 20 cats and a dog to fend for themselves

NEW KENSINGTON, PA, USA: In this bizarre and rather macabre story, the body of an elderly woman was found in the bedroom of her rundown and chaotic home. It was determined that she’d been there for months. The door and vents to the room had been duct taped shut by an unknown person (a relative – the son who lived there?). I presume this was to keep the smell in.

Months ago someone duct tapped dead woman in her bedroom and left 20 cats and a dog to fend for themselves
Months ago someone duct tapped dead woman in her bedroom and left 20 cats and a dog to fend for themselves. Screenshot from video.

The woman had looked after a large number of cats. Fortunately they were not locked in the room but free to roam. They had survived; 19 in all. I guess they had turned semi-feral and found ways to find food and water.

One cat and one dog had succumbed. The surviving cats were understandably malnourished and in poor health. They will be brought back to good health and re-homed by Frankie’s Friends Cat Rescue.

“It’s just heartbreaking anybody could put a living creature into these conditions. It never ceases to amaze me the resilience of these animals and the forgiveness that they have,” said Dr. Becky Morrow, the medical director at Frankie’s Friends Cat Rescue.

Comment: You have to read between the lines with this sort of story. It appears that a relative decided to brush the death of this woman under the carpet so to speak and lock the body away thereby ignoring all the usual niceties of dealing with a deceased person such as probate, her will, her funeral and cremation or burial. The person also ignored the welfare of her cats.

Indeed, the resilience of domestic cats is astounding. There are many stories of domestic and feral cats surviving horrendous conditions foisted on them by people and still loving humans afterwards.

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