Moon Lover a Miniature or Dwarf Cat?

Moon Lover a Miniature or Dwarf Cat?

Hello, all…A year ago, a lady was giving away kittens in front of a Walgreen’s. She had only one left, a female approximately 6 weeks old. She said the mother was feral, but the kittens had been separated from her and were completely trainable. I took one look at that tiny face and took her home.

I worried that being of a “feral” mom would cause a problem, but she fit into our household with no real issues at all. Of course, she was very curious, playful and became attached to me and my roommate immediately. My roomie named her “Moon.”

When she turned about five months old, we saw that she wasn’t growing any longer. She’s about the size of a small shoebox and still seemed pretty kitten like. My roommate calls her “fun-size” which is appropriate. She’s a tortie, and has shorter legs in front (but not the characteristic stubbiness of a Munchkin) and short legs in back. She sort of looks like a little bear because she’s extremely fluffy and her legs are so short. She fascinated with shiny, crinkly plastic and around that age, she started this weird hoarding behavior. Anything, especially plastic bags or packages, would end up under my bed or the living room coffee table. I once found a muffin still in its plastic wrapper under my bed. She stopped doing this about the time she turned eight months or so. She doesn’t meow much, but makes this trilling sound like a vocalized purr. She “trilled” as a kitten until around eight months when I finally heard her meow. And she’s very, very aggressive. She loves to do the whole “stalking” thing. She leaps on us at any given moment, nips us lightly and springs away like a bandit. It’s so funny but often she surprises the crap out of us because she’s extremely stealthy (what cat isn’t in “stalking” mode?) And the jumping thing–no problem there! She easily gets on our counters, bookshelves, even the top of the refrigerator which can be a little annoying. I worried about her short little legs and thought they would at least keep her from jumping up on things, but no such luck! Ha! And unlike most cats, she comes to my roomie when he calls her by name. And she’s very well-behaved–it usually takes only once for us to “ban” her from an unacceptable activity and she doesn’t do it again.

At a year old, I began to wonder if she might have a genetic problem because of her size. And she has yet to go into heat (she hasn’t been spayed). Then I found information about miniature cats, dwarf cats and Munchkins and thought perhaps I’ve found something that explains her stature and personality. I plan to take her to the vet to get a more definitive opinion about her breed and any health concerns there might be. But until then, she seems happy and healthy and we couldn’t be happier with her. She was definitely a wonderful addition to our home and I’m glad I took her.

Hi: Thanks for sharing. A really nice story. I changed the title to, “Moon Lover a Miniature or Dwarf Cat?” to make it more search engine friendly. Hopefully it will be found by the search engines supplying information to people searching for information about small cats. I trust that you are OK with that…Michael (PoC Admin).

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Moon Lover a Miniature or Dwarf Cat?

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Jun 14, 2009
did the vet diagnose the cat
by: Anonymous

I have a kitten that is 8 weeks old and its legs are half the size of the other littermates, it has a shorter tail, and shorter ears, it has much thicker fur and looks like a little bear too. The mom was feral short hair black, am curious why this one looks so different from the rest of the litter, it was also born with hind twisted legs but they straightened out.

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