NYC lover of Chartreux

by Kevin

We went to a no kill shelter without a plan but to consider adoption. The shelter had so many varieties but only one stood out. Her given name, “Molecule” said to be part of a litter amongst “proton” “nuetron” and others.

She was regal in her grey cost and put on such a show. Her unique tail with a digit on the end tempting us to look and pet. Her vibrant amber eyes were electric at 3 months old. She begged us to watch her dance.

We left and could not stop thinking about her. One week later she had a new loving home. Here we are several years later only now finding out her breed. We thought she was related to a Russian blue but did not quite fit. We now know her extra wool coat, her playing hide and seek and fetching a ball. Outside in rain and snow at times all add up now.

Thank you for your site and info. We love our Chartreux Molly.


Milo and the Bean Bag Chair

by Darlene Burrow

Hi everyone, I have a darling story to tell you about Milo. I had purchased a blue bean bag chair which is my favorite color. Now when I brought it home Milo wanted to go on it.

So first of all I sat on the bean bag chair then I got up off from the bean bag chair and Milo curled up on the bean bag chair and she slept there for over an hour.

It really melted my heart watching her sleep on it for that long she looked so comfortable

Milo surely thought I bought this bean bag chair for her personally. I didn’t get a chance yet to take my camera in to get my pictures but as soon as I can I will upload Milo on the bean bag chair when I write another story about Milo.


Hi Darlene.. thanks for the update on Milo. I hope you and Milo are well. I look forward to seeing the photographs….Michael

Update 3rd Feb. here are the photos:

Hi everyone, I am so happy I finally got my pictures from Walgreens yesterday of Milo lying on the bean bag chair they turned out great. I am going to blow one picture of her on the bean bag chair i really hope all of you will enjoy looking at these pictures have a wonderful day..

cat on bean bag

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Feral Maine Coon Mix

by Marla Ungethuem
(Cincinnati, Oh)



Missy Cuddles

I have a feral tiger strip cat that I care for along with a black long hair male also. She gave birth last April to 4 kittens, 2 yellow short hair and 2 that have the Maine coon traits.

Especially Missy that has the big tail, hair between the toes and all the traits that I have seen on line even the chirping like noises they make.

Her sister has all the traits also but is a lot more cuddly than Missy is and so her name is Cuddles.

Is this unusual to have 2 from a litter of feral cats that have these traits? I have raised them since they were 4 days old when the momma brought them to a shelter I made for the winter and they still do sleep on my porch under tarps I provide.

I went from one cat to 4 with another one that is a grey tiger strip that I found in a waste can next door at 4 weeks. Life sure has changed for us but we love them.


Hi Marla... I don't think it is uncommon for feral cats to have these traits but usually they are less interesting looking cats.

All cats are equal in my world however. Thanks for sharing. Well done in providing for these cats. You have taken on a responsibility but have done really well....Michael

Dave The Female Cat

by Marianne & Dan

My boyfriend got a female tortoiseshell cat and decided to give it a male name (Dave). Poor thing, although she is a very well natured cat and always seems to make us laugh. She loves playing hide & seek, ninja cat, she is very hyper active at times. She is still young and loves attention from us. We love Dave 🙂

Thanks for reading that some strangers love their cat :P.

Marianne & Dan

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