Jensen Investigations (a private investigator commissioned by the people behind the Justice for Sage page on Facebook) have reported on 21st September as to their progress in investigating the barbaric torture and ‘murder’ of Sage. The report is set out verbatim below. And below that I comment on the report. Please feel free to comment yourselves and on the Facebook page. I think feedback is useful for Mr Jason Jensen in seeking justice.
Jensen’s Statement
“A quick preview of some findings from today’s interviews: Sage routinely traveled in and out of the doggie door at the rear of the home. Sage was found on the tile floor approximately 15 feet from the doggie door. The doggie door leads to the rear of the home property, and he may have traveled from the direction of the neighbor’s house to the west or the neighbor house to the north (along the street to the North). The other tortured cat was literally three doors down around the corner to the the East.
These facts could lead one to believe that the offender resided in the neighborhood, i.e. a group of juveniles or a possible disgruntled neighbor. At the time they found him it was approximately 6:00 – 6:30 a.m. when their family dog Grace started barking. Upon Sage’s return, he had been absent for 3 – 4 days which was not uncommon. Sage was too friendly and very approachable making him an easy victim.
He would routinely enter other’s houses too who had doggie doors and others enjoyed his visits throughout the neighborhood. Upon their discovery of Sage he was wearing an unknown collar. Sage did not otherwise own a collar. It was speculated that the collar was used to subdue and control Sage while he was being abused. Resulting from these interviews, I will canvass the neighborhood for witnesses to interview.”
Comment: – these are spur of the moment thoughts after reading the above statement. They are open to criticisms and errors.
New Information
Firstly, for me there is new information in the statement and therefore I suspect to other people as well about what happened. Firstly, Sage was found 15 feet inside the property from the cat door. Initially, some time ago, I had speculated that the person who tortured Sage had placed the cat inside the cat flap having hurt the cat outside the home. But if Sage was 15 feet from the “doggie door” this would undermine that theory. Although it is possible that the person pushed Sage into the room beyond the cat flap with some sort of instrument such as a broom. I think most of us agree that Sage could not have managed to get there on his own. However, being 15 feet away from the doggie door that theory has to be revisited.
If Sage was able to walk (and through the doggie door and then 15 feet into the room) then he was tortured outside the home. Alternatively he was tortured inside the home by somebody living inside the home which has also been suggested and if a favored theory but rejected by Jensen. This latter suggestion is more likely if we agree that Sage was unable to walk after being tortured.
The statement strongly indicates that Mr Jason Jensen believes that a neighbour is a likely culprit because Sage used to routinely and regularly walk into other people’s houses. Perhaps one of these house owners became enraged about Sage’s behaviour but that is highly unlikely. If Sage regularly went into houses then the people living in those houses would know him and would have accepted him. Perhaps therefore a visitor to one of those houses who did not know Sage perpetrated this crime. This person should be easy to identify if this theory is correct.
However, in the past I have suggested that the perpetrator of this crime tortured Sage to emotionally torture his owners. I had suggested that the cat was a means to get at a neighbour who they did not like. In that case it would be a neighbour who knew Sage’s owner well and for some reason turned on Sage’s owners and decided to hurt the cat having accepted his visits in the past.
Perpetrator Did Not Live at the Cat’s Owner’s Home
Mr Jensen believes that the perpetrator did not live in the same home as Sage. He has more or less said that in previous statements. Therefore at the moment, from the investigators point of view, as I see it, the culprit is likely to be a neighbour and I would enquire if any neighbour had an argument or a grievance with the owners of Sage when they were living there.
Was There a Dispute?
It would be nice to know whether Mr Jensen has interviewed the owners of Sage about a neighbor dispute. If there was a dispute of some sort between the cat’s owners and a neighbour then that would point to the neighbour as the culprit. As there is no information about this we have to presume there was no dispute. If there was no dispute then we have to discount the idea that this was a grievance killing of a cat to get at a neighbour. In which case it is more likely to be an ad hoc, out of the blue crime by, say, juveniles.
Sociopathic Behavior
Let’s say that a neighbour did it. The only kind of person who could do this to a cat would be some sort of sociopath. Somebody with a mental health illness. Is there someone like this living near the house where Sage lived? Such a person would display that kind of mental illness in other ways than torturing a cat. He may be known to people. He should be known to people. There was a person living in the house with Sage who as I understand it had these sorts tendances.
Jensen is nothing but a self serving opportunist. He plans on making a report about the family being wrongly accused. As screwed up as that is, he is making money and getting media fame off a horrible, criminal act. It is disgusting. I plan on asking him if heis donating the profits to animal rescue groups?
PS…. how about the second cat found in the same area. the news was worried that there was a serial cat abuser on the loose. Bill boards went up around here too. Then as fast as all that happened, nothing more. those two moved to Wyoming and no more cats were hurt. I saw another cat pictured with sage on FB.. multi animals in their house according to her first post. this cat was allowed to live and was claimed to be a stray. I heard that his ears had rubber bands wrapped on them so tight, his ears would fall off. His paws were in bad shape too. but nothing was ever mentioned because the authorities hushed it up. He was saved. So why doesn’t Jensen address this issue. I don’t believe what Jensen says. Sage was brain dead from his head being slammed into a wall. the infection spread through his body and his heart gave out. Remember how she claimed he got home before collapsing… that is bs.. I just cant understand why he continues with much ado about nothing.
why does the pi now continue to quote from her post about how sage got home and collapsed after going through the doggie door. what is wrong with him…
has he forgotten about her last post that was deleted detailing some mystery man living in the house claiming he killed sage… and her saying they wouldn’t have been able to hear it because they were in a different part of the house. That means he never left the premise.
whoever cut and paste and save her last post is wonderful… reported it to the authorities who did nothing. taking a polygraph test which cant be admitted and so on… Yep she knows so much more both her and her boyfriend who supposedly had to move to Wyoming because they were being taunted. LOL… don’t believe that either.
I don’t understand why this pi is ignoring all the other accounts and continues to focus on how this family has been had nothing to do with it… Who in family are you referring to. How come so many accounts.. what are you doing????
This “thing”taking on the form of a human is a most vile and evil thing out there. If there is a person who is hiding this vile monster let them also be declared guilty of the crime of torture. Although this investigation is taking many paths, please do not let the path be abandoned until the demon of hell is caught and presented before all to see the face of evil. No matter how long it takes, continue to search until justice is served.
of course they do. What the hell is going on with this PI.. I posted a link to inside edition on video that said sage was found in the front yard by his owner. He just seems so supportive of all of them. Its like none of them had anything to do with Sage. It breaks my heart about what happen to him and those still running around sprouting bs. And the authorities don’t want to corporate either with the public. Everything is a secret.
What does the pi know… Seems if he is so great, he should have solved this.. My thinking, I hope those who pay his fee get their money worth. I fully expect one day to read a post from him saying some secret man did it… oh excuse me, because according to her last post he did it and that is why they moved… but according to her first post Sage somehow made it home with his brain being dead and all the injuries that could have happened. So really where was sage killed (brain slammed).. was it inside the house with the secret man or was it somewhere else. You see the posts and accounts she has posted make no sense. and when something doesn’t make sense, ask yourself why.. I remember Hitler said, if you tell a lie (and make it a big one) over and over, it will eventually become the truth.
I want this evil monster/monsters found and taken off this planet. We have no space for this type of a poor excuse for a human being.
And why isn’t China, Sages owner… helping with his investigation??
She and her husband know ALOT more than they’re willing to own up to.