Motzie & Scarlet

by Deborah-Ann Milette

I realize it has been a while since there was a Motzie story, such as Motzie caught a snake, and no they have not stopped. Living with Motzie can bring in daily delights or even shockers. Where we live there is a constant changing of residents because of the college.

Please note that Motzie is a very famous F2 (second filial – 2nd generation) Savannah cat of stature. He is large and impressive. Savannah cats are wildcat hybrids.

After 3 visits from Animal Control they now say to anyone calling in about the “leopard” (how they get leopard out of solid spots is beyond me) “Yes we know and have met the ‘pet leopard’ and yes he is legal!”

Maybe it is because Motzie loves his daily walks but with the heat he has refused to go out, can’t imagine why? But talk about a pampered cat now his friends old ones and new come to visit him!

His recent friend was very intimidated by Motzie’s size and she came over to visit and have a soda. Scarlet was sitting on her owner’s lap and Zeus was on my hassock watching. Peanut was hidden (unknown animal) and Motzie was trying to make friends with Scarlet! Finally MJ put Scarlet down and as she wandered around the house her leash began to create problems so I unleashed her.

You see Scarlet is a 3 pound Yorkie and Motzie is now at 24 pounds of weight. Peanut is 18 pounds and Zeus is 14 pounds so this animal is out done no matter how you look at it. As Scarlet approached the hassock Zeus assumed the position of paw up and do I hit or don’t I hit. All I asked of my cats were to be nice. Then Scarlet began to run around the house with Motzie prancing and front feet bouncing after the dog. Then out of the blue she ran under the hassock and Peanut ran to it like what went into my play domain! Zeus looked over and fell off the hassock, Peanut jumped straight up like he was launched into space and Motzie hit Peanut for freaking him out!

MJ and I were cracking up laughing so hard with tears rolling down our face and holding our sides. Now that MJ has realized that Motzie is really harmless and can be protective of something smaller than himself this home has become Scarlet’s daily pit stop for fun, laughter and treats.


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Motzie & Scarlet

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May 28, 2012 Unfortunately, that is a yes; Michael NEW
by: Deborah-Ann

Yes, Michael I am still in Oklahoma and the state officials have accepted Motzie as if he belongs to them. We still lobby in other states against banning animals, recently it was Ohio where Motzie was called the “secret weapon!” Having him there the people were able to finally get the media attention for the animals instead of against them. He is now officially on You Tube and unfortunately it includes me as well, so I made sure my friend was included. Just look for Savannah at Ohio Capital. Oh did you know that Savannahs roar!!!! Just goes to show that the public is so uneducated and that is sad, yet they still pass legislation without knowing what they are doing.

Debbie & the boys soon to be 3

Sep 01, 2011 Hi Deborah-Ann
by: Michael

Nice to hear from you again, Deborah-Ann. Motzie is such an impressive cat. He likes some fun like all domestic cats but I should think he is the boss.

I hope all is well with you and Motzie. Are you still on Oklahoma?

1 thought on “Motzie & Scarlet”

  1. You have Zeus and Motzie? My goodness, it sounds almost chaotic! 😀 Did you adopt from A1, one Savannah? How are your cats (and Scarlet dog?) doing? I am so obsessed with A1 Savannahs, because I am very careful about my research, like you. And I consider them to be the most trustworthy hybrid cat breeders in under the sun. 🙂 Cheers!

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