Mountain Lion
This picture was added by Michael. It is puma cub. Copyright Stockxpert.
Years ago while hiking in the Red River Gorge I got to a rock outcropping and saw something the size of a large dog sunning itself. As I approached, it jumped up and bounded away soundlessly, simply vanishing. Soon after that while visiting a zoo I saw a mountain lion, and immediately recognized it as the animal I had seen in the woods!
Great comment. It seems many Americans love the mountain lion. It surprises me therefore why quite a few Americans like to shot the mountain lion for fun having chased it up a tree with a pack of dogs.
On Nov. 3, 2012, my son & I were riding the trails in my Jeep Wrangler up to Santiago Peak in Cleveland National Forest. We were on Bedford trail coming from Corona. On a small hill rising up to our right my son said, “Look, an animal”. I stopped the Jeep, we both stared as the animal stared back. About 150 feet away was the profile on a Mountain Lion. It looked young, no more than 3 to 3 1/2 feet in length.
After approximately 30 second, I slipped the Jeep into gear and we slowly started to move. Only then did the cat move on.
Will be something my son and I will remember forever. I want these animals to survive so generations to come can enjoy their beauty!