By Leah
Hello everyone, I’m looking for a loving permanent home for this little man. I’ve been feeding him as a stray for the past year but I can’t let him in because my cat hates him. He has a shelter outside.

I didn’t see him for a few days then he suddenly came limping over to me and I could clearly see he had broken his front leg. X-rays showed 2 bad fractures and (thanks to Walsall Cats Protection, God bless them) he has undergone an operation to repair it.
He has an external fixator and they tell me it should heal. When he is healed (or if you can take him before) I desperately need someone to give him a loving permanent home. He is so loving and gentle and he doesn’t deserve bad things happening to him.
All the costs have and will be borne by Cats Protection therefore I am doing a sponsored slim to give as much back to them as I can as its all costing about £800 so please sponsor me with an amount (no matter how little, whatever you can afford) in a comment below. I start today and finish on the 25 April. The gym I go to will monitor my progress so you know I won’t be fibbing!! lol.
Will you please, please ask everyone you know who loves cats?
Thanks so much
He is beautiful, if i wasnt soooo far away id take him Just love black and white Kitties. Hope someone can have him and give him a forever home.
Oh I didn’t notice but thank you for telling me Michael 🙂
Leah, Just a quick note to say that the reason why your comment was held for moderation was because it contains 2 links one of them an e-mail address which counts as a link and when the software sees a link it presumes that the person making the comment is spamming. Clearly you are not but that’s just to explain what happened.
My email address is If you email me I will give you my bank details for internet banking or an address if you want to send a cheque.
If you decide to use Paypal then its
Thanks again everyone
Michael he is to be honest and he his a happy little man as well 🙂
Thanks Barbara
I was heart broken 🙁 I was about to go to work but I just called my colleague and told her to cover me while I took him to the vets I wouldn’t have done anything else because he deserves nothing less. We have both fallen in love with him and I would love him to become a member of our family however I have to be sensible because I believe in insurance, jabs neutering etc I don’t take short cuts where my family are concerned.
Thanks again for anything you can afford.