A video on YouTube shows what appears to be a blue British Shorthair cat in a state of what I’d call ‘anxious defensiveness’ as signified by a classic vocalisation. It’s a sound that domestic cats make when in a standoff over territorial rights. It’s designed to avoid a real fight and injury. The cat’s ears are flat to protect them in an impending fight.
The video is meant to be funny because the maker has called it, “Muslim Cat Praying“. One of the owners has elicited this feline response by parading around the room with a book on her head. This is why their cat is preparing for a fight. He thinks he is confronted with a hostile presence and no longer recognises his human owner.
That’s the backstory, so what is wrong with this ‘funny cat video’?
It is not funny because it insults the Islam faith by taking the mickey out of it. The cat is made anxious. This is to be avoided and a cat should not be made anxious in order to try and make a funny cat video of which there are too many already.
It is an insensitive video. It disrespects both a religion and the domestic cat. Some commenters understand this thankfully and some don’t.
Here are 2 comments followed by my observation:
“The cat is angry at her” – correct! AND “i wonder why this cat is so scared….” – correct. He is scared because his owner presents to him as a threat. Not a clever thing to do as it can undermine the human-cat relationship.
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