by Doug B.
(Columbus Ohio)
Leo, King of his castle.
This is Leo, I am unsure if he is really any actual breed of cat, but if he has predominant traits they kind of point towards some coon in his lineage.
He is big, I haven't weighed him but the previous owner claimed he was around 20 lbs, and I would say he is 16-18 lbs minimum, and not much body fat for that size.
Leo is 6 Years old, and was adopted from a shelter as a kitten. I adopted him a few months ago when his owner was getting married and wasn't able to keep him.
He still acts like a big kitten, and while he is very affectionate, he will also play and draw blood without much encouragement, and is curious about EVERYTHING.
He speaks a lot, probably the most talkative cat I've seen besides a Siamese, and he has a soft voice, alternating between high pitched but quiet mews, and equally quiet chirps.
All in all he is a wonderful but challenging room mate, he is definitely an attention hound and does not like to be far away from me when I'm at home. He usually curls up and sleeps with me, if he feels like sleeping, but thinks nothing of waking me up to play at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning.
My honest opinion is that he was taken care of but ignored in his previous home, as his transition took less than 24 hours, and he owned the place. He has never once acted "depressed" or tried to bolt out the door.
I was really expecting more of a 'getting acquainted' period.