My Affectionate Orange Maine Coon

by Mrs. Dennis
(Wichita, KS)

August posing for the picture

August posing for the picture

Me and my husband got him from the animal shelter when he was four months. When we walked into the room he came right up to us like a lion and that's what attracted us.

He wasn't too wild, or too mellow. He diverted all his attention to us the whole time we were in the room, never leaving us alone. And he still does to this day. He is very affectionate, and babied, but not at all passive. August is the perfect match for us.

Mrs. Dennis

Associated Pages:

Yellow Tabby Cats

Orange Maine Coon Cat (new window)

Orange Persian Cat

My Affectionate Orange Maine Coon to Maine Coon Cats

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My Affectionate Orange Maine Coon

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Jan 28, 2010 A distinct tabby M
by: Finn Frode

Hi Mrs. Dennis. He looks so fine with that beautiful orange fur and the distinct tabby M in his forehead. Yes indeed - there are some great cats to be found at the shelters. Good luck to you all. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Jan 22, 2010 So cute!
by: Joyce Sammons

He's so cute I could just hug him. I think cats know when we rescue them. My cat Furby likes to be passed around the room for a belly rub. I hope you'll post more pics. You did great getting down at eye level to take the picture

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