by Carrie Kissner
(Nashville TN)
Kilo Chillin
This is my albino cat (vet confirmed) Kilo (KiKi for short). He is half Siamese. His eyes are translucent. That is the only way I know how to describe them. Very pale blue would be closest, but there is some pink and white too.
He is very light-sensitive and is not allowed outdoors. The one time I tried to take him outside with me holding him he became terrified.
I adopted him through a pet rescue program. He is affectionate, beautiful, and spoiled and I love him very much.

Hi Carrie.. thanks so much for showing us Kilo.
I think true albino cats are quite rare. I have not seen many in my travels through the internet over the past three years. Maybe someone will correct me.
Kilo looks great and it is interesting to hear from you regarding keeping him in. This is because he would get bad sunburn on his ears and around his ears I guess as he has no pigmentation to protect them.
I would also think that as he has no or very little pigmentation in the iris of his eyes that the sunlight would hurt him or it would be uncomfortable - just thinking aloud on that.
Nice and rare. You have a special cat. Thanks for telling us.
I have a female albino cat, bright red eyes she is just over a year old and called Ruby