My American Shorthair is well over the average size
by Kari
My American Shorthair Cat
My American Shorthair (at least this is what the vet has him listed as) has always been a bit above average in his size (length as well as weight). We have just measured him and he's 31 inches from his nose to the tip of his tail, 22 inch waist, 21 inch chest, 10 inch neck, and he weighs approximately 18 pounds. Kitty is now 10 years old.
Hi Kari: Thanks for sharing. I remember working with Helmi Flick at a cat show in Texas, when she photographed an American Shorthair show cat and he was very much smaller than your boy. So, I would say he is at the top end of the scale on size and weight for this cat breed. Of course the range is wide. -- Michael (Admin)