My Baby Skye

My Baby Skye

by Kaylonna
(Waterflow, NM)



I recently acquired a white longhaired cat when she was 6 months old. She was a stray that hung out at my Mom's work. She was not friendly at first but I kept her in my bedroom and in a couple of days she acted as if she was always with people.

She is so independent and full of life. She loves to play and recently started to attack my feet while I'm standing by my bed.

What I love most about her is that when I'm sitting in bed at night reading, she'll move my book out of the way and lays in my lap and sleeps.

When I sleep she lays right by my head on my pillow. She has such beautiful blue eyes that I named her Skye.

Hi Kaylonna.... I think you have a beautiful relationship. This is the way cat to human relationships should be and the starting point should be a stray cat.

It would be a better world for all cats if that was the case all the time. One last thing, Skye looks adorable.

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My Baby Skye to Moggie Cats

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My Baby Skye

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Feb 01, 2010
Almond eyes
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Kaylonna. It's a beautiful name for a beautiful cat. Those almond shaped eyes are so wonderful and with the way she has bonded with you already, I understand why she has become special to you. Good luck with your Skye. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Jan 29, 2010
She's beautiful!
by: Joyce Sammons

She is a doll baby. Start practicing holding her over your head using both hands cause she's gonna win some shows if you enter her. I've had a ball at cat shows in the house cat division. The judges hold the cat up that way so get her used to it. You get to meet other owners and I'd be proud to show off a cat as beautiful as she is.

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