My Best Co-Pilot

My Best Co-Pilot

' I can see more this way!'

' I can see more this way!'

' I can see more this way!' Co-Pilot

I made a HUGE move from Minneapolis to Phoenix. I was not sure how my boy would travel, but I have to say that he did wonderfully.

It was suppose to be a 3 day trip, but it turned out to be four because I had car trouble along the way.

He cried for the first 90 minutes or so, but after that he was a perfect co-pilot.

He even survived staying in 3 hotel's during the trip. About the 3rd day he realized he could go all the way in the back of the SUV so he made his way back there for some of the longer runs.

The pictures are from the last day of travel. Think he was checking out the AZ landscape.

Since we have moved in, it didn't take him long to make the new place his home.

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My Best Co-Pilot

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Oct 08, 2011
The same
by: Michael

I think in general all cats are similar about travelling. Initially some are nervous and they get a bit distraught. Then after a while they settle in and almost enjoy it.

I took two cats from London, England to the west coast of Ireland using the road and the ferry to cross the Irish Sea. We smuggled them on the ferry in two cases!

It was illegal to take cats over as I recall. We had a great time.

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