by Pat Fretschel
(Reedsburg, WI USA)
I have a 3 yr. old Maine Coon female cat. I have noticed that she has lost the hair at the middle of her back down onto the beginning of her tail. She has been eating dry Meow Mix with hairball control since I got her at 6 months old.
She is strictly an indoor cat but every once in awhile my daughter will bring her dog over. Could it be fleas? Also could it be stress? Could it be her food? She does constantly groom herself. She does not seem to be in any distress and there is very fine baby hair where she has lost the hair. Her skin is not flaky so, I don’t think it is dry skin. Could you possibly help me?
Thank you – Pat
My Cat Has Hair Loss at End of Back and Beginning of Tail to Cat Health Problems
Note from Michael (Admin): please read the comments for a response to the author’s post. They might prove useful. Thanks.
My cat Ethel had this happen. I took her to her vet and they gave her medication but couldn’t tell me what was wrong.So I took her to the vet we use for our dogs and he told me she had a parasite gave her some medication that he put on her back like flea medication changed her flea medication because advantage and others don’t work as well. She is growing hair back and putting on weight. I am one happy cat mom!!!!
Thanks for sharing Dottie
I Have a Maine coon cat that is a little over a year old. She is losing hair from her rear, all the way to the middle of her tail. She has several scabs on her body from itching. I’ve tried several different medications, which none have worked. She does not have fleas. Does anyone know how to help??
I will have to presume that the hair loss is not due to overgrooming of the tail. But please confirm that. As a very wild guess, this could be some sort of chemical on her rear tail which has caused hair loss or a dermatitis of some sort. If it is just localised to the tail I’m going to suggest that something has adhered to the tail. I would look around for substances which the tail might have dipped into or brushed or more likely sat on. Is there something on the ground or the floor which might do this? Please check.
Check your home and the area around your home for example in garages or sheds et cetera to see whether there is anything nasty by way of chemicals which might cause this hair loss. Have you treated the carpet with some sort of chemical? Have you cleaned the floor with some sort of cleaner which has a strong chemical in it? She may be sitting on something which is causing this dermatitic reaction.
Good luck. I would definitely see a veterinarian if my very wild guess does not bring a result.