My Cat is Vomiting Feces

My Cat is Vomiting Feces

by Anna



NanerPuss disappeared 2 weeks ago. My family has been devastated. He showed up today! He has lost half his weight. I took him to the vet and they did blood work; high white cell count so he's on antibiotics. His breath has smelled like feces all day.

He just got up and started vomiting all over the carpet. It looks and smells like feces. I believe he was hit by a car or some blunt force trauma.

I hope he got whatever was making him sick out of his system. I'm going to keep an eye out all night. Right after vomiting he leaped off the bed and ran to eat!! Great sign!

He had barely moved all night. I hope he will get better.

I willed him home, I can will him better.


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My Cat is Vomiting Feces

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Apr 13, 2011
reason for cat feces vomit....
by: my dot galaco dot net

The reason these cats vomit feces is common radiation. Over the past decade or so, the increase in cellular technology has emitted uncountable amounts of EMF radiation which to a cat (and humans) is fatal over extended periods. There is currently no cure for this terminal illness as it is an urban and suburban plaque only combated by not using wireless technologies or avoiding them as much as possible.

Please research the "dangers of EMF" anywhere on the web to learn more about this epidemic.

Take care of yourselves and your pets...

Aug 14, 2010
Hay Anna what happened in the end
by: Nig

Just wondering what happened to Nanapuss in the end. My Maggie the Cat is suffering exactly the same>
Very worried.

Nov 29, 2009
Smelly Vomit
by: Mary H

You said you'd taken him to the Vet, I hope they checked/ruled out internal injury? Or some type of stomach blockage? If not, I'd take him right back in!
Some parasites and infections can cause very smelly vomit and diarhhea, but I would definitely have him well checked for internal injury, first.
I will be hoping/Praying for your furbaby!

Nov 29, 2009
by: Michael

Anna, thanks for sharing. I changed the title as it fits the story. The title is important for Google to find it. Although, it is incongruous set next to a picture of a cat with a glamorous looking woman (NanerPuss and you, I presume). I hope you don't mind. Actually the incongruity adds to the article, I think.

It is a interesting story and a sad one. I sincerely hope NanerPuss is OK. A vets intervention is recommended.

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