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My Cat Looks Like a Turkish Van
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Jul 21, 2010 Rating | Looks more like Norwegian to me Hi Joanne. I respectfully disagree with Michael here. The characteristic Van pattern is not restricted to the Turkish Van breed only, but is seen with other breeds as well, just as it occurs spontaneously with mixed breeds. Basicly it’s just a variation of the ‘tuxedo’ pattern with a lot of extra white. Judging from photos alone is difficult, but I know Turkish Van fairly well, as a cousin of my wife breeds them, and Peaches doesn’t look like that. Actually her whole build and expression is much more like our own tabby Norwegian. p.s. Your vet was right that most orange and white cats are males. When females have the gene for orange, it usually comes with black, making them orange/black ‘tortie’ or tri-colour ‘calico’ with white. Because of the way the genes work, males do not become tri-colour, but just orange and white, which is why the main part of cats with this colour configuration are males. |
Hello. I think my 5 yr old boy is a turkish van he’s got all the traits of one please let me know what you think e mail me. Thanks