by Darlene Burrow
LOVE OF MY LIFE is my story about my cat. She is everything to me. I would do anything in the world for Milo my cat.
I love her so much. She is my best friend in all the world.
My heart is so filled with love for her. I always look forward to her.
Her first owner had abused her and he no longer wanted her so I took her.
Her first owner put Milo into the basement with other cats and big dogs and the dogs would pick on her all the time.
She nearly never got attention from her first owner. Now she hates dogs when she hears them. I don't blame her.
She had gone through a lot in the past but I am so blessed with milo. I am so happy that I have saved her life and from harms way. Now she is loving life with me.
She is the only cat I have and she gets all the attention she wants. She loves to play and run around. She also loves to sleep in my bed when I take a nap and go to bed at night every night she sleeps in bed with me.
She has tons of cat houses and toys to play with. I take her to the vet when its time to go. I can't ask for anything else in the world because I am blessed with my cat.
All I need in the world is my beloved pet Milo and the faith and love of Jesus Christ.
I am so loved and so is Milo.
Update 9th October 2010:
Milo is doing good even though the medicine that the vet gave me for Milo is working and then a couple weeks she is throwing up so Milo may need surgery after all.
I don't want to lose her over this neither. She is my best friend and I wouldn't know what I would do without her here with me.
Milo has been there for me through very hard times and good times. She knows when I am not feeling good. She cuddles up to me as closely as she can she cuddles up with me. Other wise every afternoon she spends hours upon hours spending time with me on my lap, which I look forward to every day.
There has been so many times that you just wish that certain moment would be frozen in time and never let that moment go.
But that moment does pass by no matter what you do. There is a great memory on behalf of what Milo does every single morning when I wake up she wants to drink out of the bathroom sink so I turn the faucet on and Milo drinks the water right from the faucet.
I have it video taped on my video camera. Milo is the sweetest cat I had in my life and what a beautiful creation God has made.
Milo's birthday which is Oct 11th is coming up quick this coming Monday. Already she is turning eleven years old. Happy birthday Milo!!
I will make you something very special from love! God bless your soul
See also: Happy Halloween,
Update 11th Oct 2010:
I am proud to say a lot of my past pets that I was so blessed with are famous in their own way!
I am happy to say that I am done writing my book which is called "Rascalin"; that's the whole reason I wrote this book for my second cat.
I wrote this book right after Rascal, my cat, ran a way from me. I have many pets who are in this wonderful book which are of course all three of my cats I had and one is still living which are rascal, hugs, and Milo, four of my guinea pigs I used to have their names were: Angel, Cookies, Nugget and Peanut and one large dog was in it too.
It was a family dog. His name was Sammy but Sammy was not a main one in it and some of my family members and I were in it too. I will be publishing this book Rascalin very soon on - my pets are famous!!!
Hi Darlene.... Gosh, your love for Milo is awesome. It must be good to be Milo now.
Thanks for visiting and sharing. Good luck to you both.
thank u i am doing good thank you 4 asking hope things are going well for you too
Hi Darlene. I have sent you an email today. If you respond to it with your story and an attached picture, I will put them on the site. Hope you are well Darlene.
hi i was just wondering what is your e-mail address again and so i just send you an e-mail of the story i would like to publish on your site in an e-mail can i send you pictures of milo to put on the story too please let me know thank you so much for your help and time hope all is well with you too
Hi Darlene, You can give me your story in one two ways. You can use the form on this page:
Or send me the story by an email. You have my email address so you can use that, if you prefer. I look forward to hearing from you and hope both you and Milo are well.
hi everyone i need your help please since the new website that they changed i can’t figure out what to push or click on to write more stories about my precious baby milo please help me if you can thank you so much