My Dwarf Cat “Samson”

by Rod
(Omaha, NE)



We live on about 5 acres with a wooded back lot that is a haven to a lot of wild life.

In May of last year a feral cat gave birth to about 6 kittens and on the second day moved her litter but abandoned one kitten. Towards evening of the second day we knew the mother was not coming back so we adopted Sam who's eye's were not opened and who's umbilical cord was still attached.

We had never had a cat before just dogs and we had a pup who was 7 months old. So it was web time to learn how to raise a 2 day old kitten. We quickly learned how to feed and stimulate it for bowl movements which we soon learned to put his rear under the lukewarm faucet in the wash room which did a perfect job for him.

We also put a heating pad in his box under towels to keep it at a certain temperature and a clock that ticked for the sound of his mother's heart beat. He was a fighter from which his name came from "Samson" and he quickly grew to his size now.

When we took him to the vet for his shots we asked why his legs were so short and upon examination he said he was a dwarf cat for which might have been the reason he was abandoned.

He is a great cat and a pleasure to have around but per that old saying-dogs have their masters and cats have their servants, Sam has sure lived up to his part in our household.

He prefers to be alone and gets along great with our Cocker Spaniel but he will only play with Chewie when he, Sam, wants too. In the morning he wants attention and will not leave my wife alone until he gets some good solid bonding time.

He will come to me when my wife is not around or when he wants me to lift him up to the window sill or for a little bonding time but not for long. Sam and Chewie sleep together and are very comfortable with each other.

I don't know if he is a pure Maine Coon but he does have a lot of the characteristics of a Maine Coon.


My Dwarf Cat "Samson" to Dwarf cats and miniature cats

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My Dwarf Cat "Samson"

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May 10, 2010
hes lovely
by: kathy

Thanks for his picture. Hes beautiful.

May 02, 2010
My Dwarf Cat "Samson
by: Rod

Thank you Finn for your kind comments.

I too do not agree on breeding mutations just for the entertainment of us humans. If nature allows mutations then we should care for them but to breed them because they look so cute to us this is not right in my book. I think this is where we the pet people have gone wrong in creating certain breeds.

May 02, 2010
A smart cat in a dog family
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Rod. First of all I have to say that I don't approve of systematicly breeding for dwarf cats and other extreme types. When Mother Nature however plays her tricks and a cat like Samson appears out of the blue, what else can you do but take good care of him the best you can? I'm sure he pays back your kindness every day.
As Rudolph says, Samson is a well proportioned dwarf and to me he looks very charming indeed. And as a smart cat in a dog family, he soon found out he should team up with the puppy. 😉
And yes, our relations with our pets sometimes teaches us something about our relations with others. And forgiveness is one important lesson for us all.

Finn Frode avatar

Apr 28, 2010
Samson our Dwarf Cat.
by: Rod

Thank you Ruth for your comments. He is a beauty with an attitude and personality that rubs me the wrong way when he ignores me---but I really do love him! (the little jerk)

Apr 28, 2010
by: Ruth

Sam is a beauty Rod ! What a lovely bushy tail.Well done for rescuing him and reading up on how to raise him, you've done a really good job by the sound of it.
Your home must be a very happy relaxed place !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Apr 27, 2010
Samson our Dwarf Cat.
by: Rod


Thanks for your comments,we enjoy Sam!


He is a sweetheart but this is the first time I've had a hairy boss. Sam says meow! (hi)

Apr 27, 2010
Samson our Dwarf Cat.
by: Rod


Thanks for the comment on Samson. I appreciate your input and you are right he is not a Maine Coon Cat but oh do we love this feline!

There is one lesson I learned when we had our first dog in our household and that was when I noticed how much attention we paid to Mack our Terrier/hot dog (Dash hound)mix at that time. He could do nothing wrong and when he did we were quick to forgive him as he was to feel sorry for what he did.

As I observed Karen (wife) play and pamper him I realized that we loved Mack more then we did each other and we were quick to forgive and accept Mack for what he was. To me this was wrong, not that we were to love Mack less but we were to love each other more then Mack and be as forgiving and accepting of one another as an individual person creating a stronger marriage in the process. Well this was easier said then done but we have improved in our understanding each other and we will continue to grow in love and harmony while enjoying our pets. (oh how I can be stubborn) God Bless

Apr 27, 2010
"Samson" the dwarf cat.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

"Samson" relly looks a handsome dwarf cat, well proprtioned in his freak "dawarfness".

Rudolph avatar

Apr 27, 2010
by: Sally

Oh Samson sounds like a real sweetheart and he has trained you well. He is lucky he found you. Keep up the good work and give him some loving for me.

Apr 27, 2010
Great story
by: Michael

Hi Rod, I loved your story and your commitment and ingenuity in raising little, big, Samson.

If he was a purebred cat (which he isn't but who cares) he would be a mackerel tabby Munchkin, the founding breed of dwarf cat. The first Munchkins were discovered in the USA in much the same way that you discovered Sam.

He is a fantastic looking cat but he is not a Maine Coon cat! Although as you say he may have some characteristics of the Maine Coon.

He is a personality by the sound of it and loved by human and dog. Samson landed on his feet.

I moved your story to the dwarf cat page.

Michael Avatar

2 thoughts on “My Dwarf Cat “Samson””

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. i am in search of a dwarf cat or kitten my grand daughter saw one would like one but have no clue where to look for one i live in texas if you know how to get one please tx or email 325-665-2469

    have blessed day

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