My Egyptian Mau, Satchamo

My Egyptian Mau, Satchamo

by Francine Fontana
(Clinton Twp, Michigan USA)

Here are a couple pics of my boy when he was a baby. You can see his flap, the eyeliner around his eyes and mouth. I'll put up more pics to you can see how handsome he is.


Hi Francine...

thanks for visiting and showing us Satchamo. Please don't be upset but he is not an Egyptian Mau.

I can say this with certainty because he has a classic blotched tabby coat. The pattern is made up of dark swirls and lines.

The Egyptian Mau always has a spotted coat. The spots can be irregular is size and shape but the objective is a good contrast between the spots and coat color. You will get similar markings on the face because both classic tabby and spotted tabby cats are still tabby cats. Also the Egyptian Mau does have banding on the limbs and tail.

I think you will find that the spotted coat of the Egyptian Mau is the breed's most important characteristic. It is what marks it out from other cat breeds. That and the obligatory gooseberry green eyes, mascara and worried expression.

The belly flap is not unique to the Egyptian Mau in my opinion. This breed is known for the flap but that does not exclude its presence on other cats both purebred and random bred. Also sometimes older cats develop a flap or a bit of a belly that looks like a belly flap.

That said, Satchamo is a very handsome cat. He looks like he could be a purebred cat but unless you have registration papers etc. he will not formally be purebred.

Thanks for visiting and sorry if you are disappointed.


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My Egyptian Mau, Satchamo

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Apr 30, 2012 My Egyptian Mau, Satchamo NEW
by: Fran Fontana

His harness isn't to tight, he's laying down lamebrain!

Apr 30, 2012 Satchamo is a Mau NEW
by: Fran Fontana

You are wrong... he is a Mau. All be it a mix but he has all the Mau traits and markings. I live with him and know what I am talking about and he has been seen by breeders that HE IS a Mau.
If you still believe you are right, then delete all my posts from your site. You have only seen a couple pictures and refused to post the others I sent you. Therefore, in my opinion, you have proved yourself.
Thank you,

Feb 07, 2012 My Egyptian Mau, Satchamo NEW
by: Francine Fontana

His harness wasn't tight... he was lying down.

Feb 07, 2012 Satchy NEW
by: Francine Fontana

Hi Michael:
I thought that was called Mackerel? I know he's a mix and he has all the spots on his belly... and the rings on his neck. Not to mention all the vocals. lol As I said, I have to get more pics up for you to see.

Feb 07, 2012 Beautiful but poor NEW
by: Cat lover

Beautiful boy but poor boy,that harness looks pretty tight to me!
Cats are free spirits,not meant to be encumbered that way.

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