My Feral Cat Was Saved From A Compactor

My Feral Cat Was Saved From A Compactor

by Vito

..A long story so I’m going to shorten it, so a long, short story!

My sister’s boyfriend works at a tip. They have a compacter machine and after they had compacted a load of rubbish, they heard a meow from the compacted trash, of course, they pulled it all out and hey there’s a kitten!

My feral cat saved from a compactor

He couldn’t even open his eyes properly! So we knew he was not even a week old. So anyway we took him in, he has been introduced to another cat and 2 dogs.

He had a lot of issues when we got him, like being very ill and getting colds so to speak. Either way the cat protection place has helped a lot and helped towards paying for his vet bills and now nearly 4 months on he is a striding little kitten!

Although he is very playful we are working on taming him more 🙂

My feral cat was saved from a compactor


My Feral Cat Was Saved From A Compactor to Feral Cats

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My Feral Cat Was Saved From A Compactor

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Oct 10, 2009 lucky save

Im so glad you saved this little darling. It is very hard to raise them form this samll. I had an abondened litter one time. They lived only a short time. It was heart breaking as they died one by one. I cried so hard.

Oct 09, 2009 A lucky cat and a fighter too
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Saving a week old kitten is not an easy task to undertake, so I was very pleased to read that he is now 4 months old and much better. He is a lucky little cat and a fighter too. Cats like that are the stuff that legends grow from, and you should give him a name that reflects this. 🙂

Oct 07, 2009 Kittens
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

I’m so glad you saved that tiny kitten.What a little love.

It’s possible the mother cat gave birth there in the compactor if it hadn’t been used for a while.
Doing cat rescue we were once called out to a builder’s yard where rubbish was piled up to make a bonfire and every so often set alight.The chap was just about to strike the match to light it and saw a movement,he phoned saying there was a kitten in the bonfire.We found 5 kittens but no sign of the mother ! Thankfully they were old enough to eat as although we went back many times we never did find the mother cat.

Another chose a used car in a scrapyard,we were lucky that time and got the mother too.
It doesn’t bear thinking about if something happens to the mother cat and the kittens are left alone too young to survive.

It’s so sad that feral mothers thinking they’ve found a safe place to give birth and rear their kittens,sometimes have chosen very dangerous places !

Oct 07, 2009 I know what I would like to do
by: Anonymous

I know what I would like to do to the people who threw him away, alive, in the rubbish. The heartless, cruelty of it is almost beyond belief but I also know that this kind of thing happens all the time.

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. – Ruth has made a point I missed. I think I have become too cynical and untrusting. Thanks Ruth.

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