My Feral Cats

by Bob Tucker
(Helena, Ar)

Smokey - a very loving cat

Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

Smokey - a very loving cat

I love your site, really good and informative. Here is a little feral cat info that I have learned over the past few years. They can be tamed and turned into domesticated cats. It takes a lot of time and patience. At the present I have a former feral laying beside my monitor and another just jumped up on the table. Food, patience and a string is mostly what works. You can get them close with the food after a while and gradually start touching and petting them. When you are brave enough to try it, you can start to handle them.

I've had quite a few bites and scratches along the way.If you can get to the kittens early enough, the string will get them close to you and they will eventually let you handle them. Over the past four years, I have managed to tame forty or more like this. I have recently had two pregnant mothers come to my door meowing and asking for help. The kittens were born in the house and the mothers took them outside later on. I just got through playing with and handling two kittens from one of these feral mothers. I've managed to get most of them spayed and neutered but have a few more to go. I have probably had to trap only 6-8. This really scares them and some will move on elsewhere; some of these have made some great pets. I've only managed to send two kittens to other homes.

The cats are only tame to me but if someone will spend the time with them, the kittens can make great pets. Most of mine stay in the woods around the house and come around at night, for food or when I whistle to call them. I have found that the wild ones will not bite me after the get used to me, I can only guess that they respect or care for me or they are smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds them.

I presently have about twenty little buddies that I care for. I've had the neighbor problems also. When I had some of them touch and pet a cat, they start to think a little differently. When I explain that these cats get rid of the rats, mice, snakes and moles and throughout the neighborhood and that they may hold the answer to finding a cure for AIDS, they start to appreciate the cats much more.The photo is Smokey, I call the photo Baby Cat, which was his name until I brought him home. He was the first one and is a very loving little creature.

Thanks for all the good info......Bob Tucker, Helena, Ar.

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My Feral Cats

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Feb 07, 2011 $100
by: Michael

Bob has received $100 from PoC. Bob has kindly contributed to PoC again by writing about his experiences in treating feline diabetes. Thanks Bob. Please click on the link:

Cat Diabetes Treatment

Michael Avatar

Jan 13, 2010 Feral Cat Rescue Awards
by: Michael

Hi Bob, you have been nominated by Finn Frode for an award. PoC is a site to earn money some of which goes to cat charity. I would like to send some money to you for your efforts. Money sent will be during the month of March 2010.

Please contact me by leaving a comment or email:


suubstituting [at] for @


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Jun 13, 2009 "Feral cat"
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

In India, feral cats just survive on waste food and are basically garbage eaters and cleaners akin to stray dogs."Feral Cats" in India are not destroyed as was the case of stray dogs and hence live their entire lives of the streets with short life-spans unlike pet cats which have access to veterinarian doctors.
In Mumbai, feral cats are numerous and since cats are not popular as "Show Pets" since "Cat Shows" unlike "dog Shows" are non-existent manny feral kittens are kept as domestic pets. "pedigreee cats" like Persians and siameese are normally an affluent hobby of cat fanciers who prefer cats to dogs for their low maintenance and unique ownership.

Jun 13, 2009 A praiseworthy effort
by: Finn Frode

Not only are you doing the feral cats good by feeding them. You are also doing your local community a great service by having them neutered. Keeping the population at a reasonable level should help minimise desease and hopefully your neighbours appreciate your work. It is indeed praiseworthy.

Jun 13, 2009 Like your article
by: Anonymous

I particularly liked your article for three reasons. Firstly, you summarized the whole process of taming feral cats in the phrase:

"Food, patience and a string is mostly what works"

And secondly, you have first hand experience over many years so you know. Finally, I like stories where there is gain, positivity and tenderness. I will use your phrase (quoted above) again I think.

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