My Fold Was Called Ginger

by Don
(Houghton-le-Spring, UK)



Ginger Ginger

When I moved to my present home, on the very first day I noticed a large cat with funny ears sitting in the front garden.

I didn't know at the time that he was a Scottish Fold who had been living rough in the area for a few years and obviously did not have a home.

He was dirty with matted hair and needed a good meal. After establishing that he had no owner, I tempted him in to the kitchen and after giving him some food he promptly fell asleep on a rug.

This was my first experience of looking after a cat and I could not have had a more wonderful introduction.

I had the pleasure of his company and friendship for two and a half years until he was diagnosed with cancer and had to be put to sleep.

I often thank God for having been given this chance which completely changed my view of cats having been a 'dog' person previously.

I am attaching a couple of photos of Ginger.


My Fold Was Called Ginger to Scottish Fold cat

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My Fold Was Called Ginger

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Mar 14, 2011
Don's Fab Fold 'Ginger'
by: Elaine

Well done Don. I have just read about Ginger with great interest. I have owned and bred Scottish Folds for the last 12 years and as a matter of fact several years ago I sold two Folds as breeding cats to the North East area. If Ginger was a pure Fold he could well have been a descendant of those. I'm so pleased he gave you much love and enjoyment as they are absolutely wonderful little cats with terrific personalities.
In response to the remarks that there are more of them in Scotland and that they are better known there, I would dispute that. They are very much a minority breed still all over the British Isles and that is such a pity but the UK 'Cat Fancy' refused them permission to be entered at their shows, and they can only be seen in show competition at events over here that are sponsered by one of the largest of the American cat organisations.
I hope your new cat companion gives you many years of good company.
Pendlemist Scottish Folds.

Aug 26, 2010
by: Leah

Hi again Don

Thanks for the update! Sounds like he was a fold then. So lovely he introduced you to the company of cats and that you now have another cat to share your life.

Hope to hear from you again, BTW have you signed the declawing petition?

If not would you do so? Then pass it on to everyone you know?

Thanks everso

Aug 25, 2010
More info on Ginger
by: Don

Hi Leah,
Thank you for your comments about Ginger. In the two and a half years he lived with me he was seen by three different vets, two of whom admitted that they had never seen such a rare breed as a Scottish Fold but the third vet actually came from Scotland where they are much more common than where I live in North East England. She confirmed that he probably was a Fold and gave me plenty of advice about ear mites and keeping the ears clean. Incidentally, I now have another rescue cat, Mitzi who is a beautiful tuxedo but I will never forget Ginger.

Aug 24, 2010
Big Ginger tom!
by: Leah

He looks like a lovable old teddy! (no offence) I'm so pleased you found each other and he had at least a few years of love.

I'm interested about his ears. How did you find out he was a fold? Its just that if his ears were pale in colour he may well have been attacked by skin cancer on the tips. Even a bad bout of mites and prolonged infection can cause the ears to swell and curl.

Did you seek veterinary advice about his ears? Just that from the picture his ears do look a little odd but he's a handsome cat nonetheless with lovely markings.

Lovely to hear about him thanks so much for sharing and I'm so sorry for his loss.

Aug 22, 2010
HI Don
by: Michael

Hi Don. I can't see the ears clearly but I am not sure that Ginger had the folded ears of a Scottish Fold. Forgive me for that. And I could be wrong as I can't see clearly.

His ears seem to be either folded back as seen in the American Curl or more likely damaged by frostbite in the harsh cold weather of the last winter. That is a wild guess but it looks like that.

If Ginger's ears were folded forward/outward then he would have the same cartilage defect as that of the purebred Scottish Fold but he would not be a purebred Scottish Fold without certificates to prove it!

He looks a well weathered cat and I am pleased you took him in. He felt immediately comfortable with you.

Thanks for visiting and sharing.

Michael Avatar

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