My kitten likes to jump up and bite and lick my face area. Help please.

By Linda

Intro by Michael: this is a comment from a lady who wants advice on how to stop her kitten’s behavior:

I have a female black kitten. She is a 10 month (?) old bobtail kitten. I’m new to cats/kittens. I already have a Corgi male dog who’s 7 years old.

I thought that getting a kitten would be better for our household, than another puppy/dog. Anyway, I don’t know if there’s a big difference BTW a bobtail kitten and any other kittens?

What can I do to get her from biting me around my face area, plus a lick with each bite, lol. Than she takes those bites and licks to my neck area, my arms also.

No matter where I’m at she will jump off the floor up in the air for me I think to catch her or hold her. She wants everything I eat and she does this to any and everyone that comes over..this isn’t what I wanted.

But I read a lot and want to learn to show her love, but no matter what I do she’s not having it. I’ve tried a rolled up news paper don’t work. She’s not afraid of anything. I tried to tap her nose, that’s not good, that pissed her off even more so..I do understand not to do that..

So please help us, I want to keep her for life. Oh yes I forgot since bringing her home she keeps her nail out, no matter what’s going on, she is constantly hunting in the house, lol.

I do realize she a kitten on her way to be a full grown cat one day, and a lot of things she do is her nature. But her nature is not good for me or my dog.

Please help, I love her wild crazy self, lol.


A brief response from Michael in a comment:

Hi Linda. Thanks for commenting. There is no difference between a bobtailed kitten and a kitten with a tail in terms of the behavior you have described. Are you saying that she keeps her claws out (all of them)? I don’t think you mean that. Kittens will demand to play/hunt a lot of the time. This will subside. I guess you’ll have to play a lot with her to satisfy that desire.

Your cat is showing affection when she licks and nibbles you. She is playing as if you are another cat. She has formed the habit partly with your assistance (no criticism meant) to show her affection through licking and biting (love bite) your neck area and arms. The way forward is to retrain her to lick and nibble another area! In effect she has been trained to do this. Training should be by positive reinforcement only. Never use punishment as a means to train your cat.

But she will tend to lick and nibble you on the hands because this is what young cats do to each other.

See Clicker training by Elisa and a brief article on cat training.

This habit will subside anyway as she becomes more adult. It is a more a baby thing to play bite and lick. Adult cats do this less in my view.

What I’ll do it is convert your comment to an article and invite comments from experienced cat caretakers to help you get through this phase.

3 thoughts on “My kitten likes to jump up and bite and lick my face area. Help please.”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Hi Linda.
    Your kitten is being a kitten and, as said, will outgrow some of that unless it is reinforced by you or others. Your best maneuver would be to distract her toward more appropriate play each time her hurtful behavior starts. Interactive toys are exceptional for that. To prevent boredom, I’ve always created or bought things that could be hung from doorknobs or cabinets to be batted and played with and don’t require my engaging often.
    All in all, your sweetheart sounds like a normal 10 month old kitten that has entered the, also, normal “terrible twos” equivalent of humans.

  3. Dear Linda_ Since you are used to dealing with a dogs, which jump, lick bite could you allowed this behavior in her, not realizing that this might not be a cat habit you wish to live with over the long haul. I would buy a lemon scented body spray for you{not your cat]. She won’t like the smell or taste of it. Talk softly to her.

    Also_it is possible she is mimicking the actions exhibited in your dogs?
    As for the claws-give her time to learn how to use them and a good scratching post she can climb.

    I once shared my home with a Japanese Bobtail named Bunny and I can tell you they are lap creatures and very intelligent too. Gradually to calm her by giving her an active place to run and play [ without the dogs in the same area. Cats like to play in a serene environment, where they don’t have to worry about who or whats coming around the corner.
    A Bobtail is a Wonderful pet and will reward you if you learn to read her intentions. Love her unconditionally. Eva_

  4. This seems like a difficult issue, and one I’ve never had. As you said, the kitten will outgrow it, but until then, hopefully the guardian will receive helpful responses. This is one I have no answer for, and am just thankful I’ve never had to deal with it.

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