My Little Kathryn

My Little Kathryn

by Mary
(Sugar Land, Texas)

My Burmese cat, who will be 23 years old in December of 2010, is still a little doll.

She has had the run of the house and the streets whenever she wanted all of her life, with the exception of the last 2 years.

She accidentally escaped from inside our home and got lost for 11 days last year and we were hysterical, posting signs all over the neighborhood, but she showed up at the front door without anyone’s help at 7 am one morning.

In her prime, she was quite the mouser. She brought me mice, bunnies, birds, squirrels, anything that moved. She is very small, maybe weighs 6 pounds, and until my friends hold her, they think she is still a kitten.

She has always loved riding in the car, sleeping with me, and sitting in the lap of whoever would hold her.

Kathryn is my 2nd Burmese, and I realized with my first one, Sally, how lovable they are. She has never been afraid of my dogs, 3 yellow Labs right now, but my younger cat who still is playful scares her (he jumps at her from behind corners).

Kathryn has outlived my Collie, my Rottweiler, and one other Lab. She has a bit of senility now, and her vet says she has Alzheimers. She paces the floor crying all the time (unless I am holding her or she is asleep or eating).

But at her bedtime, she very happily goes into her locked room and sleeps all night. As I write this little story, Kathryn is making the circle around my living room, kitchen and dining room crying that “Siamese screech”.

We love her though, and every morning when I open the door to her little room to wake her up, I just hope she is still with us. She is a part of our family like no pet has ever been. There is no other cat like a Burmese, and if I ever got another cat, by choice, it would definitely be a little chocolate brown Burmese.


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My Little Kathryn

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Sep 29, 2010
Brightened my day
by: Rachel

It’s so nice to read these uplifting stories of Burmese kitties. My Burmese, Koko, passed away a few weeks ago after 16 years with our family. Reading others’ stories really helps with the emptiness our house is feeling right now. They truly do become a big part of your family. And 23 years! My goodness. That is an amazing feat. You should post a picture of your angel 🙂

Sep 13, 2010
lovely story
by: kathy

I love your story. My beloved Lia is getting up there but not as old as your Katheryn. He is 14 but hes lived a rough life. Its hard when our babies start to get up there. I missed so much of Lias life but I was blessed to get him back. He is my whole life right now. Trying to make up for the time I wasnt able to be with him. I spoil him to the point where now he thinks he can crowd me off of my pillow at night. And guess what I let him.

Sep 12, 2010
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Mary. Kathryn has already enjoyed a full cat life, but hopefully she still has some more days in her. Thank you for telling her story, although I would have loved a picture to go along with it.
We have a 16 year old Norwegian, so I know how an old cat becomes part of family history. She knows our every routine and sometimes gets scaringly human. 😉

Finn Frode avatar

Sep 11, 2010
Hi Mary
by: Michael

Thanks for a wonderful little story of love and longevity. 23 years of age is exceptional and puts Kathryn right in the top bracket of long lived domestic cats.

Michael Avatar

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