My local Malaysian stray has the look of a York Choc!

My local Malaysian stray has the look of a York Choc!

by Sheema
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)




I stumbled across the York Chocolate breed here while trying to figure out the mix of the local stray kitten I picked up off the street here in Malaysia. I named him Jet when I first saw his photo, thinking he was jet-black, but when I actually met him I realised he's actually a non-uniform, dark chocolate with slight sprinkling of white hairs here and there (faint pale patch on his chest), and even some ever-so-faint banding/stripes on his legs.

Jet has medium-length hair, very soft and silky, and slight tufts on his ears and paws. I'm slightly allergic to cats but for some reason I've never had any problems with him so far, even though he's super affectionate and super needy, has to be around me all the time and loves snuggling up to me (he's about 3 months old and I've had him for 3 weeks now). He's totally fascinated with my shower and will pad through the puddles of water to investigate, though the first time I gave him his bath last week he screamed and yowled and couldn't get away fast enough.

I've been cracking my head trying to figure him out as I've never noticed this kind of colouration before. He's obviously a mix as he has a kinked bobtail very typical of our local strays here, though you can tell that if his tail had been long it would be a nice thick fluffy plume. I'm wondering if maybe he might have been the same kind of 'genetic accident' that created the York Choc. Malaysia is right next to Thailand, so Siamese mixes are very common among our street cats here!


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My local Malaysian stray has the look of a York Choc!

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Oct 14, 2011
Thanks Michael
by: Sheema

Hi Michael, thanks for your kind comments and insights! I'm definitely fascinated with this topic now. Just emailed you a few more photos of Jet 🙂 Thanks for setting up this great site!

Oct 12, 2011
by: Michael

HI Sheema, nice to hear from Malaysia. I found your article interesting. The kinked tail indicates to me (perhaps simplistically) that JET has some Siamese in him.

I lightened a couple of the pics which shows the chocolate colour.

I does not surprise me that Jet look like a York Chocolate as he may have all the genes needed to be a York Chocolate.

The original breed was born out of two non-purebred cats. The only difference between Jet and a purebred York Choc is that the latter has been registered with a cat association and has a pedigree.

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