My Lovely Egyptian Mau in Egypt

My Lovely Egyptian Mau in Egypt

by Mohammad Raafat
(Cairo, Egypt)

My cat  Lilly

My cat Lilly

A few months ago my cousin brought a cat she had a week that had been thrown in the street. Now she's 9 months old and she is definitely an Egyptian Mau with a lot of characteristics in shape and behaviors.

She gave birth unfortunately from an older Persian cat but still her kittens have the color, eyes and skull shape which makes me sure she's not too much polluted with other cats.

I like it and I am so happy to have this breed.

I wish I could get for her a pure breed male..

Oh and I'm from Egypt.


Hi Mohammad... thanks for visiting and sharing. You are only the second person from Egypt to share experiences. It is special for me to hear from Egypt. Here is the first Egyptian article about Siamese cats.

Associated pages:

Egyptian Mau Pictures - this also shows some feral Egyptian Maus

Egyptian Mau transformation

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My Lovely Egyptian Mau in Egypt to Egyptian Mau

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My Lovely Egyptian Mau in Egypt

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Aug 11, 2010
by: Phil (London)

Hi Mohammed, she's a lovely cat for sure - certainly not an Egyptian Mau, according to the breed standard, but an Egyptian cat (i.e., 'mau') nonetheless!

You mentioned that you would like to find a male for her - have you tried contacting the Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization based in Cairo? They have many maus for adoption, and might well have just the cat or kitten you are looking for.

Jul 18, 2010
any rating ?
by: Mohammad Raafat

any more comments on this page , i'm waiting for ur rating and ur comment about my beloved cat <3 :)

Jul 06, 2010
thx for adding the new photos
by: Mohammad Raafat

thx for adding the new photos Mr michael , so now finn and others can check it 🙂

Jul 06, 2010
Local ethnic cats
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Mohammad. Thank you for the pictures. They are beautiful cats with a very special look.
I agree it's a shame when local ethnic cats get mixed with "outside" breeds, but I'm afraid these days it's hard to avoid random mixes. There will always be cats of other breeds around, either runaways or because the owners don't care about neutering them.
This is not just a problem in Egypt - it happens everywhere. And the sad thing is that the value of local ethnic cats is usually not appreciated until it's too late. The Europé (or European Shorthair) was created in order to bring back the typical Scandinavian domestic cat, because it had almost vanished in random mixes in less than 50 years. Hopefully something will be done for preserving the "real Maus" too.

May 28, 2010
to finn
by: Mohammad raafat

thanks Finn , and yes i know it's not a purebred i've said that ,we picked her up randomly and i guess the reason that cats lost their shape is because most of them r polluted with blood mixes from other breeds through years people in Egypt don't care much about purebred except the pet farms owners and few people who know it's value and so people can let a british cat have kittens from Egyptian maus or siamese from british , just random kinds together and when a cat put out more than five cats the easiest way to get rid of them is to put them in streets , if you visited Egypt you will find cats every where and i mean literally everywhere , i'd say there r more than 25 million cats living in the streets of Egypt ( maybe more maybe less that's just a guess ), though there r a lot of cats have the same color same stripes it indicates that this cats are originally Egyptian and the others r just a mixed blood cats .

Yes for sure i'll send some pictures for my cat on that mail and i can take few pictures for feral cats in street if u would like to do more researches on them 😉

Update: here are two pictures pics of my cat born 10 months ago (today's date is 4th July 2010):

May 28, 2010
Egyptian cats
by: Finn Frode

Hi Mohammad. I am no expert on Egyptian Maus, so I'm really not able to rate your beautiful cat fairly.
But she has a round head and facial expression, which looks very much like pictures of this breed. I wonder, does she have the characteristic belly flap too?
One thing however that I notice from the breed article here on PoC, is that the Mau is 'considered to be the only natural spotted domestic cat'. The spotted fur seems to be an important characteristic of this breed, but your cat fails in that respect as she has tabby stripes instead.
You should not worry too much about that, because the breed now known as Egyptian Mau is actually an American invention. When the breed was founded in the 50's it was based on Egyptian cats, but as breeding has progressed, it has also moved further away from the original cats.
I've had the pleasure of seeing some great photos of Egyptian feral cats in Lorraine Chittock's book 'Cairo Cats' and they definitely have a special look, so it's no wonder somebody started breeding them.
And alhough your cat does not belong to the purebred Maus, she is still related. Nobody can take away from her that she is Egyptian, and if you ask her, most likely she'll answer 'Meow' or 'Mau'. 😉

p.s. I'd love to see more pictures. If you mail Michael at the adress: mjbmeister[at] I'm sure he will help put them up on this page.

May 26, 2010
thx for replaying
by: Mohammad raafat

thx for replaying sir and waiting for rating and i can also send some more pics for her if that would help 🙂

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