My Lovely Egyptian Mau in Egypt
by Mohammad Raafat
(Cairo, Egypt)
My cat Lilly
A few months ago my cousin brought a cat she had a week that had been thrown in the street. Now she's 9 months old and she is definitely an Egyptian Mau with a lot of characteristics in shape and behaviors.
She gave birth unfortunately from an older Persian cat but still her kittens have the color, eyes and skull shape which makes me sure she's not too much polluted with other cats.
I like it and I am so happy to have this breed.
I wish I could get for her a pure breed male..
Oh and I'm from Egypt.
Hi Mohammad... thanks for visiting and sharing. You are only the second person from Egypt to share experiences. It is special for me to hear from Egypt. Here is the first Egyptian article about Siamese cats.
Associated pages:
Egyptian Mau Pictures - this also shows some feral Egyptian Maus