My Lovely Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights Cats from Dunvegan Cattery

by Ksandinova

Dam with Sir

Dam with Sir

Cats are my greatest hobby and I am committed and passionate about them. Initially, I did not set out to create a commercial enterprise. I like to be engaged in genetics and selection for my own satisfaction.

It’s nice to have a hobby which gives not only pleasure to us, but also to people who are interested in our work in breeding Scottish Fold cats.

We carefully select our animals, giving our clients a long time to think things over before purchasing one of our kittens.

Dunvegan is one of the most ancient Scottish lochs in Scotland with an interesting history and the first Scottish Fold, called Susie, was discovered in 1961 by the farmer McCrae, on his farm near Coupar Angus, in the Tayside Region of Scotland, NW of Dundee.

As the history of the loch and breed originates in Scotland we have combined two parameters and have resolved that our cats will live in a nursery of “Dunvegan” loch.

Scottish fold pointed cat
Photo by Dunvegan Cattery. I breed Siamese color Scottish Folds.

All our animals are under the supervision of our veterinary surgeon and annual controls. And the most important thing that our animals live not at the one closed area, they live in different families.

In our nursery each animal is a cat with its own features and character.

Dunvegan Cattery Russia


Hi Ksandinova... I am very pleased to hear from Russia. Your photograph and the cats are fantastic.

I made one or two editorial changes which I hope you approve.

If you have more photos just send them to me:

susbtituting at for @

See Scottish Folds

From My Lovely Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights Cats from Dunvegan Cattery to Scottish Fold Cat

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My Lovely Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights Cats from Dunvegan Cattery

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Jan 20, 2011
thankyou for the information
by: Anonymous

thankyou for the information! actually i dont live in Europa so i didnt know it .what federation dont accept color point ?and what federation do ? thanks !

Jan 07, 2011
My color points Litters
by: Ksandinova

Here is another photo of one of my kittens:

Jan 07, 2011
You can believe
by: Anonymous

American cats federations have got none color points colors for scottish fold.
But at European cats federations (like WCF and more) color point color in scottish folds is available. More than that the breed - Scottish straight is noramally available for breeding and shows....
So the coin got two sides...

Jan 07, 2011
i cant believe
by: Anonymous

Scottish fold DONT Must have Siames Colour

Jan 06, 2010
To Maggie Sharp
by: Ellina Ksandinova

Hey I am glad that you like my cats.
I breed color point and bicolor too.
So I ve got a new baby girl calico in my cattery.
I will show you soon. So my breeding plan is to select bicolor points and tortie points and point with the white colour.
Glad to meet you all. Thx

Jan 05, 2010
"Scottish Folds cats"
by: Rudolph.A.furtado

Thanks to "Pictures of cats" i am seeing new breeds of cats for the first time in my life and i am no beginner in "Cat breed study's".Thanks to the power of the "Internet" and "Group interactions" that we people with a common fascination for cats have managed to interact and share our ideas on this site. Honestly, "Pictures of cats" by Site owner Michael has broadened my horizon on the undiscovered world of feline fanciers and the resultant problems faced by cat owners. The "world of cat Fanciers" has become a "Global Village".
Rudolph avatar

Jan 05, 2010
Scottish Folds
by: Maggie Sharp

Wow, they're beautiful. Do you specialize in Blue point? A Siamese breeder here in Aus is now breeding bi colours, do you breed that in Scots?

Jan 05, 2010
Updates from Ellina
by: Michael

Here are some more photographs:

Scottish Fold cat with Siamese colour pointing

Scottish Fold cat with Siamese colour pointing

Scottish Fold cat with Siamese colour pointing

Thanks Ellina for sending some more photos.

Michael Avatar

Jan 05, 2010
Lovely, Indeed~
by: Mary H

They are quite beautiful~ I've not seen a siamese coloring in this breed before, it's lovely~!

9 thoughts on “My Lovely Scottish Folds and Scottish Straights Cats from Dunvegan Cattery”

  1. He looks very cute with totally folded ears. Is that the sign of quality? I think it is. I don’t think the eye secretion problems are part of this breed. Not as far as I am aware. Unless it is partly due to the shortened face (rounded head) which shortens the duct which carries the secretions away.

    Thanks for sharing ZACHARY.

  2. Cute Folds! I have one that resembles your cats! He’s so much fun and SUCH a lover!!! He gets a lot of eye buggies though…do you notice that in your cats?

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