by Kathy White
(Ingleside, Illinois, USA)
Saturday night I was injured at the horse stable I ride at. The horse I ride bolted out of the stall and knocked me clear across the barn aisle and I landed flat on my back and head.
He clipped my leg with his hoof and my leg was very swollen. I looked up and saw a flash of white feathers as the horses hooves passed over my head.
This I came to realize was my Guardian Angel covering me with her wing to protect me from the horses hooves which I saw pass over my body and head. The next day I was very ill with a massive headache and vomiting almost every 45 minutes.
I want everyone to know that my cat Lia did not leave my side for a minute except to go to the bathroom. I was thrashing around because I couldn’t get comfortable in my bed, he would just reposition himself somewhere else next to me so he was always touching me somehow.
The first night he found room on my pillow above my head. He was always positioned somewhere next to me all day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. When I got up Tuesday to take a bath he laid right on the rug next to the bathtub. He has never done that before. Finally on Wednesday when I was able to get out of the bed he was so happy he jumped up in his little donut bed and slept all day.
The poor thing had not had any sleep because of my uncomfortableness. Even my boyfriend commented on how he never left my side. When I would get up for anything he was right next to my ankle following me wherever I tried to go. For him to stay in the bathroom with me while I was bathing or trying to bath, was something he has never done ever. He hates the bathtub. But he never lets me in the bathroom without him. NOT EVER unless its to shower or bath. Thanks to him I was never alone.
My boyfriend had to leave and Lia never even got up. When he came back in he never even got up to go to the door. This is unconditional love for me from him. He was so worried about me he didn’t even eat except out of the dish I put for him right next to the bed. I love that cat more than almost anything. He is a true member of our family.
My son even bought him a Christmas present and refers to him as his little brother. He knew something was wrong with me. When I came back from the emergency room on Sunday night he was right there waiting for me and he got right back into bed with me. I’m getting better now and things are starting to get back to normal. You can just see the relief on his face. I talk to him just like he is a person and he listens to every word. I am so grateful to God that I got him back. He just is so in my heart after how he stayed right by me. He was amazing. If he could have waited on me I’m sure he could.
I’m sorry he had to go through what he did after my husband leaving. His nine lives are probably all used up but he’ll be spending his last one with me because I’m not letting him go ever again. He truly is an amazing cat. I will be having my son post his picture as soon as possible, Thank you to all my friends at POC, I love you all!!!! However it won’t be long before I’M BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN!!!!
Update: Picture of Lia

Lia, me, and Arora
I recently posted a story about how my cat Lia, a Bengal mix, stayed right by my side after I was injured in an accident by a horse. I was bedridden with a concussion and pain and a massive headache. My loyal cat never left my side. My son ,who has his own computer, has graciously agreed to help me post Lia’s picture. He is so happy that I’m better. After 4 days of me laying in the bed he crawled up into our little cat donut bed and slept all day.
The poor thing had not slept until he was sure I would be O.K. . He is my most loyal companion and I will never forget how diligent he was by staying by my side. The other cat in the picture is his little sister Arora and the lady of course is me.
Sorry its not the greatest picture since I don’t have the greatest camera and I’m also still recuperating from the accident. I want to thank all my friends at POC for their concern. Lia is the greatest cat, don’t forget he also tried to warn us of the earthquake that morning. So here we are finally and again thank you all for your concern and all the stories you share.
I love POC even though I don’t always get to comment as much as I like because the computers at the library have been going wacky since they did some remodeling. I hope you enjoy seeing us finally.