My male cat is jealous of his sibling and my dog. Advice please.

From Marion Campbell…

I own 2 cats, 1 female and 1 male (from the same litter). They are 3 yrs old and have got on well, now when the female cat comes near me the male gets on top of her and starts biting her around the back of neck and then wrestle to get rid of her.

The male cat is also jealous of our dog who came into our lives 2 yrs later. Can you please offer me a cure as I can’t part with any of them as I love them.

Regards Marion

Response from Michael:

Thanks for the question, Marion. I’ll make a comment soon, in which I state my thoughts on this tricky problem. I’ll respond as best I can. Other PoCers may comment too.

Thanks for visiting and asking.

16 thoughts on “My male cat is jealous of his sibling and my dog. Advice please.”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Walter is a month older than Jozef but they grew up together as brothers, they mostly get along Ok, going about their own business. But I think cats just like people, fall out at times, but like in the poster bear no grudges against each other.

  3. I enjoy these photos. You can sense the communication going on. It is all said in body language. They look like twins almost in the bottom photo.

    I am not sure that everyone who has a cat realises that cats have very definitive personalities. We know that you discover it through being close emotionally to your cat.

  4. lol – love the mini poster Ruth 🙂 – they really do look alike sat there in ‘formation’.

    My first cat Gigi ame to us with her sister and the 2 played until they got a bit older, like about a year old, and then they just stopped, like with Walt and Jo I guess. They just stopped and occasionally got into a nasty slapfight. I think now they don’t spend time together even though they live together in the same household. As with your 2 they are so different. Maybe it’s a sibling thing. Siblings are perhaps programmed to push away from eachother. I’d go with that but then I know lots of siblings who are always together playing and exploring at much older.

    Every situation and cat is unique 🙂

  5. Trust our boyz to be different lol They played together lovely with us as kittens but very rarely since, we have tried!
    They sometimes have a mad half hour chasing each other but Walter gets a bit rough and it ends in fisticuffs.
    So we play separately with each of them, Walt likes chasing after things dragged best and Jo likes tickling stick under the rug games or running after a little red ball. Walt likes to play ball on the stairs. Jo likes a squeaky mouse, Walt doesn’t. They may look similar but they are very different little characters.

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