My Moggy sussed out the microchip catflaps

My Moggy sussed out the microchip catflaps

by Sarah
(Mansfield, England, UK)

Clive relaxing after his thieving expedition.

Clive relaxing after his thieving expedition.

My cat Clive used to regularly sneak into my next door neighbour's house to steal the cat food he laid out for his own cats. At the time he had a regular cat flap but as the problem became more severe the neighbour replaced his cat flap with a microchip activated cat flap to prevent Clive from sneaking in.

However, within just a couple of days Clive worked out he simply had to sit beside the flap and wait. As soon as one of the neighbour's cats activated the flap with its chip and he hard the click of it unlock, Clive would immediately shoot through the flap and into the house.

The only problem was he often ended up stuck inside the house as he never seemed incentivised enough to use the same trick when attempting to exit the house.

I always thought Clive was reasonably smart, but I didn't realise how smart until the cat flap issue arose.

Thankfully we've now moved house as the neighbour was starting to get quite fed up with my thieving ginger ninja.


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My Moggy sussed out the microchip catflaps

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Feb 27, 2012
Cats are very intelligent !
by: Anonymous

If you read article in this site "keke our inteligent blue adopted us" you'll soon realize that cats are very clever, Keke would motion to us to lower windows of car/truck then slowly go to front of hood, sit & ride as my husband slowly drove around a shopping center, Keke was just like a king making a grand entrance. He loved cars & if he found an open widow, would sneak in, not surprisingly scaring the driver out of his wits. A friend had been visiting & as he got into his auto around 10 pm, he looked in rearview mirror but all he saw was a huge pair of green eyes, promptly exited (left car running)all he screamed was "there's something in my car" of course we had a good laugh after we all learned it was keke.
Cats can be very clever & funny.

Jan 15, 2011
laugh out loud funny
by: Ruth (Monty's Mom)

I can't stop chuckling. That sounds just like a cat to be so clever and persistent. Mine can be such a stinker when he wants food, but Clive takes the cake! (Or the other cats' food, as the case may be!)

Jan 14, 2011
Clive - You Little Devil!
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

What a great story! I bet your former neighbor's cat food bill went waaaaay down when you moved, LOL!

Jan 12, 2011
Clever Clive
by: Ruth

Sarah I did laugh at your story about your clever cat, he is obviously highly intelligent.
I bet your long suffering ex neighbour was glad when you moved
ha ha ha
Clive is such a handsome boy !
X for his furry head

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 12, 2011
Clever Clive !
by: Mary

Love it ! 🙂

On a serious note, if those cat-flaps can be set-up to only "allow" specific cats (microchips) then it should also be possible to produce them with the facility to react in some way when any cat with another chip goes through, afterall they can read the chips. A crude example would be for them to make a sound. If Clive was microchipped too then perhaps, ideally, the owners needed a version with a SIM in to auto-text (SMS) them a message to say that an unrecognised cat has just entered/departed premises. Alternatively, to have the cat-flap connected to their home WiFi and set-up to email them a standard message to the same effect.

I have yet to come across such a type of cat-flap available for sale, but why not ? It should be technically possible and I bet those owners would have liked to know!

Jan 12, 2011
Smart Cats
by: Riverside Robyn

Yes, I know what you mean. I have a mostly gray tuxedo moggy who gets out of our cattery. None of the other cats do, and they are smaller than he is. I think Clive is a great name for a cat, btw.

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